
Don't Get Between Me & My Goals

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blah day

It's pouring outside. Torrential. So much for mowing the lawn today. Ah well ... that's the way it goes, I guess.

I find it so hard to get motivated on a day like this. There is something inherent in my nature that makes me want to brew another cup of coffee and snuggle up on the couch with a good book when the weather turns grey and dreary. I guess it's a good thing I DON'T live in Ireland. Although, I guess I could probably get work as a publishing house reader or book critic ...

Just wanted to state it for the record, my softball team has won all of its games, except for one (which we should have won, but decided to hand over in a single inning as a special gift to the other team). It was nice to have a win as a birthday gift. The next 2 weeks are back to back double headers. That's always a bit more tricky.

Changing up my lifting schedule made a difference in my swing last night. I was far less fatigued and hit well. No home runs, but solid hits and I can accept that. My legs have also been responding well and so far I haven't re-injured that knee. Keeping up with the physical therapy (at home) and being smart as I train, running less, but keeping up with the cardio machines. Seems to be working.

Even my writing is a bit on the blah side today. I guess I just need to get dressed and head on over to the gym. Maybe a nice sweat session will bring some spring back into my step. If not, at least I will be done with my "work" and can curl up with that book and coffee without any guilt.

"Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set
yourself on fire." ~Arnold H. Glasow~

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