
Don't Get Between Me & My Goals

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hello, My Old Friend ...

It's been a while.  A really long while.  Things have went from bad to worse ... then even worse than that.

My emotional and physical knocks have been many (my Dad, my shoulder surgery, my broken leg followed by knee surgery, my emotional roller coaster ...) and I have let it completely derail me.  I spent a little time this morning reading some of my old entries from the good old days, when I was filled with motivation and having lots of weight loss success.

It is my intention to get right back in that saddle.  I am still not 100% healed, mentally or physically, but I can't "baby" myself any longer.  I have a kettlebell competition in May that I intend to rock.  I joined a local TOPS group because I sincerely need to be held accountable in order to get this weight off, once and for all.  I intend to get back on the Clean Eating train ... just after the holidays.  I am keeping track of my food and exercise right now, but lets face it ... Christmas and New Years are not the time to start eating perfectly.  It's Christmas Eve ... I am going to be good, but I am also going to enjoy the season.  Within reason.

I also need to start writing again.  Writing here, writing my novel (which is coming along quite nicely actually), just writing in general.  So come the New Year, my resolution is to write for 2 hours every single day.  If I am on a tear on the book, then I won't blog, but if I am only mediocre or am in a rut, I will at least write here.  I intend to get back to that Wonder Woman mentality I had 2 years ago.

Picking myself up, brushing off the dirt and hitting the road again.  Stay tuned!