
Don't Get Between Me & My Goals

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Eliminating a Writing Excuse

For the first time in my life, I have the ability to type while I am somewhere besides behind my home computer. I can officially go to Starbucks, or Ian’s karate class, the library … pretty much anywhere I want … and put my thoughts to *paper*.

Yep, I got myself a laptop. Originally the thought was a netbook, but when I went in and tried to play around on those things … my fingers were far too cramped. I simply would not have been able to perform the main function I was purchasing it for comfortably … writing. I ended up getting a very nice, light, high speed laptop with a decent keyboard I am already fairly comfortable using. Now I will no longer be able to say “I haven’t been able to get behind a computer long enough to write”. This also means … I am officially out of excuses for finishing that book.

I hope that this will mean more frequent accounts of my fitness progress. I hope that this will mean I will have more time to work on creating, instead of working on playing games on my iPhone as I sit and wait for my son. I have grand visions for this laptop and the changes it will make in my life.But for now, I need to pack it up and get ready to take cake to my son’s class.

Did I mention? My little boy turned 8 years old today. How in the world did that happen? I miss the baby that he was, and as much as I sometimes get frustrated by the mischief maker he can be, I am always amazed by the little man he is becoming. I love his heart, his compassion, his tenderness, his creativity and intelligence. I know that his independence and stubbornness are a part of his spirit that he will learn to control and use these wisely as he gets older. I pray for patience as he learns to control it!

8 years … how did it go by so fast? I love you, little man. You are my reason for being. Thank you for choosing me to be your Mama.

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