
Don't Get Between Me & My Goals

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I know it has been a while. I also know that I keep writing that, time and time again. Why is it so easy to put other things before ourselves?

OK, truth is, I haven't been putting much before myself, but I certainly have been putting everything before this particular blog! It's the holidays, so anyone who expects more is surely to be disappointed until January. Apologizing ahead of time for that!

Good news! I have lost 24 lbs as of this morning. Yay!

Bad news! I have to have surgery on my shoulder, December 17th. That's a week and a day from now. Think I can cram in a months worth of weights and cardio between now and then? Oh yeah ... and also finish ALL of my Christmas shopping, present wrapping ... and cook my meals ahead for at least 2 weeks so that I won't be stuck eating macaroni & cheese (my hubby's kitchen specialty) during the first few weeks of recovery. Think I can do it? LOL

It should be entertaining watching me try!

I titled this entry "Thoughts" because I have had a lot of them. It happens when you can't sleep at night well. Little things floating around in your mind. I try to sort them all out and compartmentalize them in my brain, but some still float around, unabated. Like this - Why are people mean?

I know, right? It's quite the ambiguous thought. Everyone is mean at sometime. With nice people, its not intentional. With others, the less nice, its just a way of being. Think of the most wonderful, kind human being you know ... wanna bet whether they have ever had a mean thought? I'd lay down money that they have ... its just that they have learned better how to control it. But what about those people who own the most lethal "legal" weapon? The acid tongue. The ones who know how to shred your self-esteem, your self-worth, your confidence with a single sentence? My favorite of these are the religiously righteous. They somehow believe they have the right to destroy your very soul, all in the self-stated attempt at saving it. These people are the ones that I ran away from before, when I was younger and not really sure yet of who God intended me to be. This type of person, with all their good intent, sent me racing to knock on the doors of Hell, enthusiastically. Luckily, I figured it out and I stopped knocking. But when I see it now, happening again to a young friend of mine ... I wonder anew ... WHY must we be mean? Can't we just be loving and allow God to be the Judge and Jury? We don't truly know the mind of God, we take guesses, but I certainly would not want to stand at judgement day and hear Him say that it was my vile, acid tongue that caused one of His children to lose faith and turn away.

Deep thought, huh?

Another thought ... I am so tired of people deciding what is best for me without taking my opinion into account. Mostly, this is happening on a national, political level. But I see it in other areas, too. I welcome opinions, I welcome advice, but if I decide its not the course of action that is best for my family or for myself, I hope that others can respect MY opinion and back off.

That thought is less developed. I am sure there are many more sleepless nights ahead of me, so I might be able to work on that one a bit more.

Here's an inane thought ... plain style Greek Yogurt IS OK as long as you add fresh blueberries.

My thoughts were just interrupted by a phone call, so I guess I will put this particular entry to bed. There's a workout waiting for me, anyway.

"The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of judgement." Proverbs 10:21

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