
Don't Get Between Me & My Goals

Friday, January 1, 2010

Fitness Bi-Polar Disorder

I have discovered that I am inflicted with something that can only be described as "Fitness Bi-Polar Disorder". I am an all or nothing kind of girl. One of my favorite inspirational bloggers, Ron Harris (RonHarrisMuscle.com), defined himself in the same way recently ... and I found a certain relief in the fact that I am not alone. Even the fittest, most disciplined people on earth have days when they let go. And when I say let go, I mean ... let ALL of the resolve and will power go.

After surgery, my biggest problem was lack of appetite. It was hard to stay on a regimented eating plan when I frankly was not hungry at all. Because I was sore, tired, sluggish, I could not work out. (Also, in no small part, because I could not drive for 2 weeks and could not get myself to the gym.) Because I could not work out and I was eating off plan, albeit not necessarily eating a lot ... I found myself craving sweets when I did finally start to regain an appetite.

In the back of my mind I was always thinking "don't go crazy, you have a lot to come back from, don't blow it entirely" which helped. But I also did not deny myself those little things here and there. I was amazed when I first stepped on the scale last Monday to learn I had only gained 1 lb, 6 oz. I started getting back into the right eating plan, but still struggled at night with a sweet tooth that just would not quit. Then yesterday, I was given the freedom to drive again, met up with my personal trainer at the gym, had my butt kicked (and hammies, and quads, and calves, and abs, and ...) and all of a sudden? I have will power again! I avoided the food obstacles in my path all New Years Eve, toasted with a smidgen of champagne at the stroke of midnight and was done with it. 10am today, when the gym opened its doors, I was again there, sweating & lifting with Maureen, followed by a pretty intense cardio session. I have stayed on plan all day and I am fired up and excited to keep going. (Did I mention that I lost 4lbs. 7 oz. between Monday and today??!)

So, I guess I truly am an all or nothing girl. When I am on, and all cylinders are firing properly, not much can interrupt me. Pull away my ability to work out, and I also lose all ability to control myself. I have never been a "just diet" girl. And the last thing I will ever be is "skinny fat". I intend to be that crazy muscular woman that God created me to be.

And the next time my bi-polar self rears its ugly head, I will have the necessary tools to fix it and get right back on track.

Just thinking about exercise does as much good for the body as dreaming about eating a nutritious meal.
- Grant M. Bright

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