It has been a difficult day. I am just flat worn out today and have had to push through absolutely everything on my agenda. By push, I mean, shove my unwilling, unmotivated, groaning self all day long. All that pushing and I am more tired now than I was when I woke up!
Not sure why, just a tough one. I did manage a run, physical therapy, cooking up a batch of incredible soup, several loads of laundry, a phone consult with Maureen, spinning class and a drive to the library where my son has tutoring. I think that sounds like a pretty decent amount of work considering I did not want to do an ounce of it.
Running was hard. I could not find my rhythm and my legs felt full of lead. My shoulder was stiff and sore rendering every aspect of P/T exceptionally painful. Spinning was a little better, but my ride was definitely stilted. It was one of those days.
We all have them. Sometimes they are due to illness. Sometimes it is lack of sleep or inadequate nutrition. Often it is just low motivation. But the key is what we do with it.
Or so I kept telling myself all day long.
There is no physical reason for the way I am feeling, so I had no choice but to tough it out. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, do whatever comes next on the list. Most of all ... NEVER, NEVER QUIT!
My day off is Friday, so unless I am broken or hacking and heaving, I don't get to take a "personal day" until then. I have to earn that day by giving every single day up to it all I have to give. Maybe, just maybe, my aging and complaining old self will reward me tomorrow with an extra good day.
Keep your fingers crossed with me?
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