
Don't Get Between Me & My Goals

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I Want to Eat Chocolate Today ...

But I am not going to.

I woke up this morning, started my daily ritual (wash face, brush teeth, put in contacts, get dressed), and stepped on the scale as I always do. I closed my eyes and sent a little prayer up that the number would have budged. Preferably lower. I have worked my butt off for the past week. I have eaten very well. I am most definitely expending more calories than I have taken in, yet that scale has remained quite firm through most of February and this start of March. So I prayed as I waited for the scale to register.

And then the results popped up.

Same, same, same. I am officially stuck. I moved to the bed to finish dressing and as I sat, the thought popped into my head, "I might as well eat the dang chocolate."

Oh, boy do I want to eat the chocolate.

As I sit here, confessing this errant path of thinking, I feel so sad that a little thing like a number on a scale has the power to bring joy, or sorrow, into my life. That it has the ability to lead me in a direction every other part of me does not want to go. A man-made device with the ability to derail my God-given resolve.

I am choosing NOT to eat the chocolate. I am choosing to ignore the sad little deflated voice inside my head. I am going to finish this cup of coffee and head to the gym for a good sweat on the stairmaster, followed by some much needed upper body strengthening. After I return home from the gym and other errands, I will eat my tuna salad for lunch (actual salad, not a sandwich!), then I am going to take my feisty terrier for a walk. After I talk through all this negative stuff with Maureen, I will diligently work on cleaning my house. After dropping my son off at karate, I will move all of these emotions into the characters of the next greatest musical to hit Broadway. (Well, whenever I finish it, then it will be the next greatest thing. 'Cuz I think I am on to something. And yes, this is yet another start while there are still so many unfinished ... but this one is nagging and has to be written ...)

I am not going to sit and mull over the reasons my body is failing to react the way I want it to. I am going to keep doing what I know needs to be done and trust that, no matter how obstinate my physical self may be, perseverance will ALWAYS win in the end.

I am also going to try adding a few things in. Like taking a walk every day, now that it is FINALLY feeling a bit like spring out there. Not a heart pounding, blood pumping power walk. A relaxing, clean air breathing, rejuvenating walk. An article I just finished reading says that adding extra activity into your day can help boost a plateaued weight loss. So, mopping the floor which has so needed mopping, vacuuming the carpets, dusting, parking farther away than ever from the stores, taking walks every day in addition to my regular workouts ... all these things will help bump up my activity level.

And planning my creative writing time will help me to accomplish a few other goals. Much better than sitting behind a keyboard for great lengths of time, willing myself to conjure delicious characters out of nothing.

I am NOT eating that chocolate.

"The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places." ~Author Unknown

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