There was this moment ... just one moment, when I ALMOST unwrapped the single, solitary piece of Dove Dark Chocolate which had fallen from our Treaters stash onto the floor. I looked at it and heard the evil hiss of the snake in my ear "It's daaarrrk chocolate, (ssssss) full of anti-oxidantsssssssss. It'sssss good for you. Go ahead ... I won't tell ... (ssssss)"
Get thee behind me, fiendish candy, snake-voiced, Satan-thing!
I kind of laughed, and dropped the the candy back in the dish, and placed it on the kitchen table, where the dogs won't be tempted. And walked away.
Sure, that piece of candy would have been nice. It would have tasted wonderful for a whole 30 seconds. Maybe even a minute if I resisted the urge to bite. But after that? It's just junk on my trunk. It's more weight to carry around during cardio tomorrow, more calories I have to burn in order to get rid of this fat. Forget it. A moment on the lips is sssssooo not worth a lifetime on the hips.
Oh yes, I realize it is only one piece of candy. I realize, in the realm of candies, it is certainly not the worst thing I could have chosen. However, it would be a breach to my commitment ... a death to my integrity ... to give in. I have a semi-cheat day coming tomorrow, for God's sake ... why blow THAT on one piece of chocolate?
Semi-cheat day: My family is going to watch the Buffalo Bills play the Houston Texans at Ralph Wilson Stadium. It's one thing to stay good when you are at home and can control your environment. Being out, at a game, where you are at the mercy of the vendors, is a different story. I am heading to the gym for an early morning sweat session. Bringing my mid-morning and afternoon snacks in baggies. And I intend to walk the entire stadium in search of the very healthiest fare they have to offer for my lunch. I won't be following my exact plan, but I am going to be as good as possible in the given circumstances. I would rather enjoy a good healthy turkey wrap (if there is such a thing in Buffalo!) than one single piece of dark chocolate any day of the week. So, take your Dove Dark Chocolate temptation away and save it for another day, oh diet-destroyer! I am committed!
Kashi Go Lean Waffle, 0.5 serving
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Grapes, 10 grape
Coho Salmon, 3 oz
Brown Rice, medium grain, 0.5 cup
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup, chopped
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
Apples, fresh, 0.5 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb)
Peppers, sweet, red, raw, sliced, 0.5 cup
Almonds, 12 almond

Don't Get Between Me & My Goals
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wake up. Feed the angry monster inside before it takes control of your mouth and makes you yell frustrated and mean things at unsuspecting family members. Drink that coffee, black, black, black. Get the boy on the bus. Tie on the trainers, grab your already packed gym bag and GET OUT THAT DOOR. Breeze through the gym door all smiles and light. Enter weight room. Sigh at the many numbers who have decided 9am is a great time to work out as well. Put on headphones, set volume a little higher and choose the rockiest tunes. Push, pull, bend, squat, lather, rinse, repeat until your legs and arms and gut are screaming in defeat. Leave the weight room, enter the cardio room. Hop on your favorite elliptical machine and hear the complaints from your quads as you amp the resistance up to level 10. 45 minutes later, clean off that machine, stretch those muscles, grab that bag and trudge, slow, aching, limping out of the gym. Keep the headset on and don't look anyone in the eye. (You can't talk to anyone, there is no breath, there is no words, left in you.) Get in car, drive home and realize ...
YOU DID IT. You made it through the whole thing. AGAIN. You did it. You really did. Feed the slowly re-awakening monster with that mid-morning snack and check the schedule for whatever is next.
Suddenly, the legs are less tired, the arms are slightly less weak, the mind is clear. Whatever is left on the day is just fine. YOU DID IT! YOU MADE IT! You can take on any obstacle thrown your way. If you can handle all that, you can handle anything else that comes along. Dance through the rest of the day, riding on the high of accomplishment. When the time for sleep comes, sleep knowing that tomorrow is yours to conquer.
Ezekiel 4:9 Cinnamon Raisin Bread, 2 serving
Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
Egg white, 4 serving
Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 2 serving
Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
Beans, red kidney, 0.5 cup
Jennie-O Extra Lean Ground Turkey, 4 oz
Herdez Salsa Casera (medium), 10 tbsp
Green Giant Cut Green Beans, can, 1 cup
Dijon Shrimp, 1 serving
Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
Libby's Tropical Mandarin Oranges w/ Splenda, 0.5 cup
Carrots, raw, 1 cup, strips or slices
YOU DID IT. You made it through the whole thing. AGAIN. You did it. You really did. Feed the slowly re-awakening monster with that mid-morning snack and check the schedule for whatever is next.
Suddenly, the legs are less tired, the arms are slightly less weak, the mind is clear. Whatever is left on the day is just fine. YOU DID IT! YOU MADE IT! You can take on any obstacle thrown your way. If you can handle all that, you can handle anything else that comes along. Dance through the rest of the day, riding on the high of accomplishment. When the time for sleep comes, sleep knowing that tomorrow is yours to conquer.
Ezekiel 4:9 Cinnamon Raisin Bread, 2 serving
Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
Egg white, 4 serving
Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 2 serving
Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
Beans, red kidney, 0.5 cup
Jennie-O Extra Lean Ground Turkey, 4 oz
Herdez Salsa Casera (medium), 10 tbsp
Green Giant Cut Green Beans, can, 1 cup
Dijon Shrimp, 1 serving
Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
Libby's Tropical Mandarin Oranges w/ Splenda, 0.5 cup
Carrots, raw, 1 cup, strips or slices
Thursday, October 29, 2009
New Food, New Workout
This is a week of changes for me. Maureen switched up my food (I have sandwiches back in my life! whoo hoo!) and, as you already know, on Monday she gave me a new Full Body workout plan. Legs and arms are a bit more sore today, but I feel quite good in spite of that. My commitment is not wavering!
I go back for day 2 of the new full body workout tomorrow. Then, this week, Saturday is my day of rest as I am going to try and slam in some early morning cardio on Sunday to counter affect the fact that I will be eating a little off plan. The fam is headed to Buffalo to watch the Bills take on the Houston Texans. This is our son's 1st professional football game, and although none of us is necessarily a Bills fan, we are still extremely excited about it.
I'm not writing much because I wrote this morning, and because, well, I enjoy sitting next to my husband and watching Thursday night TV. :) Enjoy the night. Be committed to something important.
Egg Whites (All Whites 100% Liquid Egg Whites), 0.7 cup
Strawberries, fresh, 0.5 cup, sliced
Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
Organic Blue Agave syrup, 0.5 tbsp
Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 2 serving
Red Ripe Tomatoes, 3 slice, medium (1/4" thick)
Bib Lettuce, 1 leaf, large
Grey Poupon Dijon Mustard, 1 tsp
Jennie-O Extra Lean Ground Turkey, 4 oz
Red Ripe Tomatoes, 2 slice, medium (1/4" thick)
Herdez Salsa Casera (medium), 8 tbsp
Cucumber (with peel), 1 cup slices
Ken's Lite Accents Honey Mustard Vinaigrette (10 sprays), 2 serving
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Orange - Valencia - 60Cal/1-Fruit, 1 serving
I go back for day 2 of the new full body workout tomorrow. Then, this week, Saturday is my day of rest as I am going to try and slam in some early morning cardio on Sunday to counter affect the fact that I will be eating a little off plan. The fam is headed to Buffalo to watch the Bills take on the Houston Texans. This is our son's 1st professional football game, and although none of us is necessarily a Bills fan, we are still extremely excited about it.
I'm not writing much because I wrote this morning, and because, well, I enjoy sitting next to my husband and watching Thursday night TV. :) Enjoy the night. Be committed to something important.
Egg Whites (All Whites 100% Liquid Egg Whites), 0.7 cup
Strawberries, fresh, 0.5 cup, sliced
Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
Organic Blue Agave syrup, 0.5 tbsp
Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 2 serving
Red Ripe Tomatoes, 3 slice, medium (1/4" thick)
Bib Lettuce, 1 leaf, large
Grey Poupon Dijon Mustard, 1 tsp
Jennie-O Extra Lean Ground Turkey, 4 oz
Red Ripe Tomatoes, 2 slice, medium (1/4" thick)
Herdez Salsa Casera (medium), 8 tbsp
Cucumber (with peel), 1 cup slices
Ken's Lite Accents Honey Mustard Vinaigrette (10 sprays), 2 serving
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Orange - Valencia - 60Cal/1-Fruit, 1 serving
Dedicated? Or COMMITTED?
Following is the post that was intended for last night. However, I got home late and opted to go to bed early, rather than get caught up behind the computer.
In the previous post, I added a quote from Mike West, basically about the difference between dedication and commitment. That quote prompted a discussion with a dear friend, forcing me to evaluate what I believe the differences to be. I thought, for this post I would share some of that discussion with you, because it really helped me to dig into the meat of the quote.
There is a difference between being committed by someone else, or by something that is out of your control (insanity, drug addiction, etc.) But the *commitment* we are dealing with here is the kind you decide upon, the kind you put your word behind. Being dedicated to something suggests that you intend to do everything in your power to accomplish it, put lots of hard work into it, give it all you got. But the key word is *intend*. Commitment implies that you have given your word that you are going to accomplish it. For example, when you get married, you commit your life to that person, for better or for worse. You are giving your word that you intend to stay with them, hell or high water and the only thing that will dissolve your marriage is death. (That's what it's supposed to mean anyway. Our society today doesn't view marriage as much of a commitment.)
A Marine heads into a battle zone committed to do the best he can with the weapons and skills he has been given ... or die trying. It's the worst kind of coward who would tuck tail and run from a fight. Simply put, your honor is at stake. I believe that's the kind of commitment West is speaking of.
Of course, we are going to be dedicated to every day tasks. I certainly would not put my word down that my house is going to be spotless every single day, or else I will die trying! But I am dedicated to it, I do INTEND to try to keep it that way. When you make a commitment to something, you are laying your integrity on the line. It might not be physical death if you quit, but it should be a sort of death of honor, of integrity, if you quit.
So I think, that if you make a conscious decision in your choice of words, when you decide to say that you are *Committed* to accomplishing a goal, you do everything in your power to accomplish it. And if you fail, you get up and try again. You never quit ... even if you final 90-year old dying day happens and you still haven't actually accomplished the goal, as long as you were still trying right up to the end, you lived a committed life to that goal.
I have decided that I am committed to this goal. I am not going to quit until I succeed. It's more than being dedicated to it, for me. It is committing my very life to accomplishing the task I have set before me.
Here's the quote again, just as a reminder. Think about what it means to you, and what in your life is worthy of commitment.
"There is a difference between dedication and commitment. The chicken is dedicated, she lays eggs; the pig is committed, he gives us bacon. Be committed. Be committed to the team, to your goals, to excellence. Be committed to knowing and doing your job better everyday. Be committed, period. Dedication is good, but it always leaves a way to bail out if things don’t go as you had hoped. Commitment is real, it is 100%, it is do or die, you go we go, it is brothers ‘til the end." ~ Mike West ~
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Orange - Valencia - 60Cal/1-Fruit, 1 serving
Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
Coho Salmon, 3 oz
Broccoli, cooked, 0.5 cup, chopped
Cauliflower, cooked, 0.5 cup (1" pieces)
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Mache, 1 cup
Ken's Lite Accents Honey Mustard Vinaigrette (10 sprays), 1.5 serving
Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
In the previous post, I added a quote from Mike West, basically about the difference between dedication and commitment. That quote prompted a discussion with a dear friend, forcing me to evaluate what I believe the differences to be. I thought, for this post I would share some of that discussion with you, because it really helped me to dig into the meat of the quote.
There is a difference between being committed by someone else, or by something that is out of your control (insanity, drug addiction, etc.) But the *commitment* we are dealing with here is the kind you decide upon, the kind you put your word behind. Being dedicated to something suggests that you intend to do everything in your power to accomplish it, put lots of hard work into it, give it all you got. But the key word is *intend*. Commitment implies that you have given your word that you are going to accomplish it. For example, when you get married, you commit your life to that person, for better or for worse. You are giving your word that you intend to stay with them, hell or high water and the only thing that will dissolve your marriage is death. (That's what it's supposed to mean anyway. Our society today doesn't view marriage as much of a commitment.)
A Marine heads into a battle zone committed to do the best he can with the weapons and skills he has been given ... or die trying. It's the worst kind of coward who would tuck tail and run from a fight. Simply put, your honor is at stake. I believe that's the kind of commitment West is speaking of.
Of course, we are going to be dedicated to every day tasks. I certainly would not put my word down that my house is going to be spotless every single day, or else I will die trying! But I am dedicated to it, I do INTEND to try to keep it that way. When you make a commitment to something, you are laying your integrity on the line. It might not be physical death if you quit, but it should be a sort of death of honor, of integrity, if you quit.
So I think, that if you make a conscious decision in your choice of words, when you decide to say that you are *Committed* to accomplishing a goal, you do everything in your power to accomplish it. And if you fail, you get up and try again. You never quit ... even if you final 90-year old dying day happens and you still haven't actually accomplished the goal, as long as you were still trying right up to the end, you lived a committed life to that goal.
I have decided that I am committed to this goal. I am not going to quit until I succeed. It's more than being dedicated to it, for me. It is committing my very life to accomplishing the task I have set before me.
Here's the quote again, just as a reminder. Think about what it means to you, and what in your life is worthy of commitment.
"There is a difference between dedication and commitment. The chicken is dedicated, she lays eggs; the pig is committed, he gives us bacon. Be committed. Be committed to the team, to your goals, to excellence. Be committed to knowing and doing your job better everyday. Be committed, period. Dedication is good, but it always leaves a way to bail out if things don’t go as you had hoped. Commitment is real, it is 100%, it is do or die, you go we go, it is brothers ‘til the end." ~ Mike West ~
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Orange - Valencia - 60Cal/1-Fruit, 1 serving
Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
Coho Salmon, 3 oz
Broccoli, cooked, 0.5 cup, chopped
Cauliflower, cooked, 0.5 cup (1" pieces)
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Mache, 1 cup
Ken's Lite Accents Honey Mustard Vinaigrette (10 sprays), 1.5 serving
Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Being Present in Everything I Do
Have you ever driven somewhere, arrived at your final destination, then realized that you do not remember one thing about your drive over? It is so easy to put the mind into *Auto Pilot* and just get where you need to be. Or do what you need to do ... say what you need to say ... we do it so often! I have found myself going on auto pilot sometimes, even, when my son is talking to me! To be fair (to myself), there is only so much "Bakugan" talk a mother can take, but still ... he deserves more than "uh-huh" when he is sharing something important (to him!) with me.
I find myself going into auto-pilot very often during cardio workouts. Repetitive motion, music, if I am lucky, a nice fan ... it's easy to do. Last Thursday during the Spin Class, things were thrown into chaos by our missing instructor. However, because we took things into our own hands, and no one was sure what was coming next, none of us were on auto that day. Today, our instructor WAS in the class, but I decided that I was going to really let myself be present in the activity. When she switched up, I tried to envision and feel the change in my muscles. Heavy resistance really brings that hamstrings into play, sprints make the quads go wild. I felt the muscles switch when I stood or when I sped up. I sweat about a bucket more than usual today, and I am pretty sure that it was due to my focus on what I was doing.
What other things in my life could be brought into *Hi-Def* by forcing myself to become present in everything I do? Certainly, I would be a better listener, a better mother, undoubtedly a better driver. And, as was made pretty obvious today, a better exerciser. Tomorrow I have a brand new whole body workout, so it certainly won't be rote. However, I intend to focus as much intensity as I can into each muscle group and really pay attention to my body. Wanna bet I find some angry muscle groups come Thursday morning?
"There is a difference between dedication and commitment. The chicken is dedicated, she lays eggs; the pig is committed, he gives us bacon. Be committed. Be committed to the team, to your goals, to excellence. Be committed to knowing and doing your job better everyday. Be committed, period. Dedication is good, but it always leaves a way to bail out if things don’t go as you had hoped. Commitment is real, it is 100%, it is do or die, you go we go, it is brothers ‘til the end." ~ Mike West ~
Ezekiel 4:9 Cinnamon Raisin Bread, 2 serving
Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
Egg white, 4 serving
Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 2 serving
Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
Turkey Burger, Jennie-O, 4 oz
Green Giant Cut Green Beans, can, 1 cup
Mache, 1 cup
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Ken's Lite Accents Honey Mustard Vinaigrette (10 sprays), 1 serving
Brown Rice, medium grain, 0.75 cup
Wholly Guacamole 100 Calorie Snack Pack, 1 serving
Cottage Cheese, 2% Milkfat, 0.25 cup (not packed)
Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.25 cup (not packed)
Red Ripe Tomatoes, 0.5 cup, chopped or sliced
Banana Peppers, 0.25 cup
I find myself going into auto-pilot very often during cardio workouts. Repetitive motion, music, if I am lucky, a nice fan ... it's easy to do. Last Thursday during the Spin Class, things were thrown into chaos by our missing instructor. However, because we took things into our own hands, and no one was sure what was coming next, none of us were on auto that day. Today, our instructor WAS in the class, but I decided that I was going to really let myself be present in the activity. When she switched up, I tried to envision and feel the change in my muscles. Heavy resistance really brings that hamstrings into play, sprints make the quads go wild. I felt the muscles switch when I stood or when I sped up. I sweat about a bucket more than usual today, and I am pretty sure that it was due to my focus on what I was doing.
What other things in my life could be brought into *Hi-Def* by forcing myself to become present in everything I do? Certainly, I would be a better listener, a better mother, undoubtedly a better driver. And, as was made pretty obvious today, a better exerciser. Tomorrow I have a brand new whole body workout, so it certainly won't be rote. However, I intend to focus as much intensity as I can into each muscle group and really pay attention to my body. Wanna bet I find some angry muscle groups come Thursday morning?
"There is a difference between dedication and commitment. The chicken is dedicated, she lays eggs; the pig is committed, he gives us bacon. Be committed. Be committed to the team, to your goals, to excellence. Be committed to knowing and doing your job better everyday. Be committed, period. Dedication is good, but it always leaves a way to bail out if things don’t go as you had hoped. Commitment is real, it is 100%, it is do or die, you go we go, it is brothers ‘til the end." ~ Mike West ~
Ezekiel 4:9 Cinnamon Raisin Bread, 2 serving
Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
Egg white, 4 serving
Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 2 serving
Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
Turkey Burger, Jennie-O, 4 oz
Green Giant Cut Green Beans, can, 1 cup
Mache, 1 cup
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Ken's Lite Accents Honey Mustard Vinaigrette (10 sprays), 1 serving
Brown Rice, medium grain, 0.75 cup
Wholly Guacamole 100 Calorie Snack Pack, 1 serving
Cottage Cheese, 2% Milkfat, 0.25 cup (not packed)
Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.25 cup (not packed)
Red Ripe Tomatoes, 0.5 cup, chopped or sliced
Banana Peppers, 0.25 cup
Monday, October 26, 2009
Have you ever had "one of those days"? Well, I have. Today.
I'm not quite certain what started it, but I am pretty sure it was just a massive culmination of every little thing all day long. Nasty scary dream about another terrorist with a plane in Minneapolis (go figure!), a less than satisfactory weigh-in, a rushed morning, an old dog who can't hold his pee for 2 hours and the resulting clean up duty, a race in the afternoon to get my son to karate on time (failed) ... nothing huge, none of it. But all together?
Oh, and (GUYS SHUT YOUR EYES AND TRAVEL DOWN TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH) I am most certainly PMSing and wish it would just arrive and get itself over with already.
My weigh-in? 203 lbs. Yep, you read it right. All that work last week and I lost 8 ounces. Yippee kai aye mother ... OK, I won't finish the rest, because I am a good girl. But any of you who have seen the original Die Hard know where that one was going. I know its any number of things, and next week will be much better, most likely. And I also know that last week was one of those jumpy, make you feel good flukes. I can't lose 7 lbs every week. But I sure can want to!
I'll get past the blues. In fact, I was doing fine ... until I ran into the mirror on my car with my hip in the garage trying to squeeze between it and the fireplace wall. Yeah ... it hurt. But certainly not enough for the ensuing wailing session.
Seriously ... sometimes it just sucks to be a girl.
Here's to a better day tomorrow. Please God???
Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
Banana, fresh, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
Regular Coffee, 2 cup (8 fl oz)
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Green Giant Cut Green Beans, can, 1 cup
Gorton's Grilled Salmon, 1 serving
Broccoli, cooked, 0.5 cup, chopped
Cauliflower, cooked, 0.5 cup (1" pieces)
Thomas 100 Calorie Plain Bagel, 1 serving
MaraNatha Natural Almond Butter, 2 tbsp
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Apples, fresh, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb)
I'm not quite certain what started it, but I am pretty sure it was just a massive culmination of every little thing all day long. Nasty scary dream about another terrorist with a plane in Minneapolis (go figure!), a less than satisfactory weigh-in, a rushed morning, an old dog who can't hold his pee for 2 hours and the resulting clean up duty, a race in the afternoon to get my son to karate on time (failed) ... nothing huge, none of it. But all together?
Oh, and (GUYS SHUT YOUR EYES AND TRAVEL DOWN TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH) I am most certainly PMSing and wish it would just arrive and get itself over with already.
My weigh-in? 203 lbs. Yep, you read it right. All that work last week and I lost 8 ounces. Yippee kai aye mother ... OK, I won't finish the rest, because I am a good girl. But any of you who have seen the original Die Hard know where that one was going. I know its any number of things, and next week will be much better, most likely. And I also know that last week was one of those jumpy, make you feel good flukes. I can't lose 7 lbs every week. But I sure can want to!
I'll get past the blues. In fact, I was doing fine ... until I ran into the mirror on my car with my hip in the garage trying to squeeze between it and the fireplace wall. Yeah ... it hurt. But certainly not enough for the ensuing wailing session.
Seriously ... sometimes it just sucks to be a girl.
Here's to a better day tomorrow. Please God???
Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
Banana, fresh, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
Regular Coffee, 2 cup (8 fl oz)
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Green Giant Cut Green Beans, can, 1 cup
Gorton's Grilled Salmon, 1 serving
Broccoli, cooked, 0.5 cup, chopped
Cauliflower, cooked, 0.5 cup (1" pieces)
Thomas 100 Calorie Plain Bagel, 1 serving
MaraNatha Natural Almond Butter, 2 tbsp
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Apples, fresh, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Good News is ...
My Cowboys pulled off a spectacular win today ... against a pretty darn good team. That makes me smile.
The bad news is ... I did not complete everything on yesterdays planned to-do list for today. Yes, some laundry, but none of that planning stuff. I might get the schedule in order here, as soon as I can get off the computer. Luckily, I have what it takes to make it through tomorrow.
Yesterday, during my "phone date" with my friend Adam, he asked me how I felt. My reply was "Other than hungry?" No, really, its not been too horribly bad, and I tried to explain this to him. Americans strive to never feel that pang of hunger. I'm not sure if it is something bred into us by the immigrants who brought our poor and starving genealogy pool across the pond or not, but we sure do seem to hate feeling hungry. We avoid that feeling, that gnawing in our stomach that says "Hey you, fuel tank is running low!" I have been rather enjoying the feeling that my body is using up every last ounce of fuel that I give it ... and then proceeds to let me know, sometimes quite loudly, that it needs to be refilled. Rather like the dinging of your idiot alarm in the car telling you that you are about to run out of gas should you fail to stop and refill the tank NOW! I know when my "refueling" time is coming, because I start to feel, well, empty. By the time the next meal rolls around, I am ready to eat. And I like that the fuel I am giving my little engine is the high-octane stuff. Makes me feel good about myself ... and in return, my body seems to be performing better than ever. :)
Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 4 serving
Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 2 serving
Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Green Giant Cut Green Beans, can, 0.75 cup
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Peppers, sweet, red, fresh, 1 cup, chopped
House of Tsang Classic Stir Fry Sauce, 0.25 tbsp
Tea, brewed, 16 fl oz
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Near East Whole Grain Wheat Couscous: Original Plain, 0.5 cup
Reese Grilled Marinated Artichoke Hearts, 0.5 serving
Breakfast Calories Protein
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
Coho Salmon, 3 oz
Birds Eye Pepper Stir-Fry, 1 cup
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Green Giant Cut Green Beans, can, 1 cup
Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1 serving
Wasa Fiber Crispbread, 3 serving
Cottage Cheese, 2% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
Red Ripe Tomatoes, 1 medium whole (2-3/5" dia)
The bad news is ... I did not complete everything on yesterdays planned to-do list for today. Yes, some laundry, but none of that planning stuff. I might get the schedule in order here, as soon as I can get off the computer. Luckily, I have what it takes to make it through tomorrow.
Yesterday, during my "phone date" with my friend Adam, he asked me how I felt. My reply was "Other than hungry?" No, really, its not been too horribly bad, and I tried to explain this to him. Americans strive to never feel that pang of hunger. I'm not sure if it is something bred into us by the immigrants who brought our poor and starving genealogy pool across the pond or not, but we sure do seem to hate feeling hungry. We avoid that feeling, that gnawing in our stomach that says "Hey you, fuel tank is running low!" I have been rather enjoying the feeling that my body is using up every last ounce of fuel that I give it ... and then proceeds to let me know, sometimes quite loudly, that it needs to be refilled. Rather like the dinging of your idiot alarm in the car telling you that you are about to run out of gas should you fail to stop and refill the tank NOW! I know when my "refueling" time is coming, because I start to feel, well, empty. By the time the next meal rolls around, I am ready to eat. And I like that the fuel I am giving my little engine is the high-octane stuff. Makes me feel good about myself ... and in return, my body seems to be performing better than ever. :)
Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 4 serving
Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 2 serving
Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Green Giant Cut Green Beans, can, 0.75 cup
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Peppers, sweet, red, fresh, 1 cup, chopped
House of Tsang Classic Stir Fry Sauce, 0.25 tbsp
Tea, brewed, 16 fl oz
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Near East Whole Grain Wheat Couscous: Original Plain, 0.5 cup
Reese Grilled Marinated Artichoke Hearts, 0.5 serving
Breakfast Calories Protein
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
Coho Salmon, 3 oz
Birds Eye Pepper Stir-Fry, 1 cup
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Green Giant Cut Green Beans, can, 1 cup
Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1 serving
Wasa Fiber Crispbread, 3 serving
Cottage Cheese, 2% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
Red Ripe Tomatoes, 1 medium whole (2-3/5" dia)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I struggled again today, to fit it all in. The food, that is. Mainly because ... we slept in a bit! Which is wonderful, but throws off a disciplined schedule. And would you like to know what woke me up? My stomach growling! Apparently, flabby Flo down there has also become accustomed to my regular schedule!
Because I didn't get downstairs to start cooking until 9am, I was already an hour behind. After feeding the dogs and starting the coffee, Ian wanted some of my "yummy french toast" as well, so I made his first. By the time I sat down to eat, it was 9:45am, and I am now nearly 2 hours behind schedule. Fit it in I did though. And I also accomplished another 5 mile walk with the crazy canine. Now I am ready for a relaxing Sunday.
My intentions, tomorrow while watching football, are to precook and package the majority of next weeks food, and label them by the day I will need to eat them. Our weeks are so hectic that I need to take advantage of every tool in my arsenal to be prepared. I am also going to write everything down on the calendar. I am usually quite diligent, but since we threw it all out of whack last week, I haven't updated it. AND ... I need to do loads and loads of laundry.
But still, there will be time to enjoy football. I will make sure of that!
I know that I promised insight, but I have none. Nothing extraordinary happened! Keeping one foot in front of the other and dodging whatever obstacles life flings in your direction is about all I can offer. But, there is this final point to ponder:
"When you go from being a caterpillar to becoming a butterfly, you're nothing more than a yellow gooey sticky mess." ~ Ted Forbes
Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
Banana, fresh, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
Regular Coffee, 2 cup (8 fl oz)
Tea, brewed, 8 fl oz
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Romaine Lettuce (salad), 1 cup, shredded
Newman's Own Low Fat Balsamic Vinaigrette, 0.25 serving
Herb Baked Halibut, 0.5 serving
Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup, chopped
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Apples, fresh, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb)
Because I didn't get downstairs to start cooking until 9am, I was already an hour behind. After feeding the dogs and starting the coffee, Ian wanted some of my "yummy french toast" as well, so I made his first. By the time I sat down to eat, it was 9:45am, and I am now nearly 2 hours behind schedule. Fit it in I did though. And I also accomplished another 5 mile walk with the crazy canine. Now I am ready for a relaxing Sunday.
My intentions, tomorrow while watching football, are to precook and package the majority of next weeks food, and label them by the day I will need to eat them. Our weeks are so hectic that I need to take advantage of every tool in my arsenal to be prepared. I am also going to write everything down on the calendar. I am usually quite diligent, but since we threw it all out of whack last week, I haven't updated it. AND ... I need to do loads and loads of laundry.
But still, there will be time to enjoy football. I will make sure of that!
I know that I promised insight, but I have none. Nothing extraordinary happened! Keeping one foot in front of the other and dodging whatever obstacles life flings in your direction is about all I can offer. But, there is this final point to ponder:
"When you go from being a caterpillar to becoming a butterfly, you're nothing more than a yellow gooey sticky mess." ~ Ted Forbes
Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
Banana, fresh, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
Regular Coffee, 2 cup (8 fl oz)
Tea, brewed, 8 fl oz
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Romaine Lettuce (salad), 1 cup, shredded
Newman's Own Low Fat Balsamic Vinaigrette, 0.25 serving
Herb Baked Halibut, 0.5 serving
Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup, chopped
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Apples, fresh, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb)
Friday, October 23, 2009
I just crashed to a halt in front of my computer a few minutes ago. I feel like I have been racing all day ... and this was supposed to be the easier of my week. All because .... I got myself a little derailed in having a nice conversation with a friend this morning. I wouldn't change the convo ... I just have to recognize that it was my choice that made my day a bit more ... hectic.
So hectic in fact ... that Maureen might kill me. I missed my mid-afternoon snack. Intended to grab it to take with me when I raced home between Ian's Parent teacher Conference and flying off to his Piano lesson. But I dashed right out the door and did not realize that I had left it until I got nearly there, 15 minutes down the road. By the time I got home it was after 6, and supper was due on the table in an hour or less. I didn't think I should double up snack with dinner, heavy calories altogether right before bedtime. So I opted to skip. Hopefully that was the better decision in this whoops.
*Fingers are held up in the girl scout pledge* I promise to be better prepared tomorrow.
I am not posting long tonight. (Sorry Adam!) But I will try to make up for it with words of "sustained creativity" tomorrow. Maybe even a little wisdom.
BTW ... got a great work out in today. ;-)
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
Wild-Pacific Caught Salmon Burger, 4 oz
Brussels sprouts, cooked, 1 cup
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Brussels sprouts, cooked, 1 cup
Dare Grains First Whole Grain Crackers, 2 serving
Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1 serving
Cottage Cheese, 2% Milkfat, 0.5 cup (not packed)
Apples, fresh, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb)
So hectic in fact ... that Maureen might kill me. I missed my mid-afternoon snack. Intended to grab it to take with me when I raced home between Ian's Parent teacher Conference and flying off to his Piano lesson. But I dashed right out the door and did not realize that I had left it until I got nearly there, 15 minutes down the road. By the time I got home it was after 6, and supper was due on the table in an hour or less. I didn't think I should double up snack with dinner, heavy calories altogether right before bedtime. So I opted to skip. Hopefully that was the better decision in this whoops.
*Fingers are held up in the girl scout pledge* I promise to be better prepared tomorrow.
I am not posting long tonight. (Sorry Adam!) But I will try to make up for it with words of "sustained creativity" tomorrow. Maybe even a little wisdom.
BTW ... got a great work out in today. ;-)
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
Wild-Pacific Caught Salmon Burger, 4 oz
Brussels sprouts, cooked, 1 cup
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Brussels sprouts, cooked, 1 cup
Dare Grains First Whole Grain Crackers, 2 serving
Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1 serving
Cottage Cheese, 2% Milkfat, 0.5 cup (not packed)
Apples, fresh, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Problem is not the Problem!
2 Extraordinary points to ponder:
"No problem can withstand the power of sustained creative thought." Unknown
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is one's attitude about the problem." Unknown
Problem: Today, I (and about 10 others) showed up for our Thursday evening spinning class. Everyone pulled out there bikes, made the necessary adjustments, then hopped on for that 10 minute warm-up. (Most of us are die-hards who show up plenty early to get a nice warm up before the instructor shows up.) 5:00pm rolls around. then 5:05pm. Legs still spinning, you hear the murmurs starting. Everyone looks at one another in silent questioning. At the squeak of the door, all heads turn, but no, just another rider rushing in a little late. 5:10pm - still no instructor. 3 of our number gets off their bike, disinfects and heads down to the gym, disappointed that there was apparently no ride today.
Solution: The remaining 7 of us? We decided that, if we could work the stereo (because God knows you need music!), we could do this class ourselves. And boy did we! We each took turns setting the next goal, spin speed, resistance level. We competed with one another, not just in how fast and how hard our legs could turn, but in who could beat the last "Dictator of Pain". When cool down time struck, every last one of us was breathless, dripping in sweat ... and laughing! Because we were trying to make up that lost 10 minutes from the top of the class (and because we were competing!) there was very little down time, and each obstacle was harder than the one before. We love our instructors and want them to, of course, be there. But, I'm pretty sure every one of us worked harder in today's class than we have in a long time.
Things happen. People can't always show up when you need them to. Many of us have friends, workout partners, spouses whose lives sometimes interrupt our fitness plans. Instead of letting it derail us, we can utilize some "sustained creative thought" and come up with a way to get it done, in spite of the obstacle. And, as I learned today, sometimes the obstacles can take you to a place that surprises, delights and challenges you.
I really learned something from this, today. And I am still smiling about it.
* Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 2 serving
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 2 serving
* Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
* Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Del Monte Cut Green Beans, 1 cup
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Del Monte Cut Green Beans, 1 cup
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Red Ripe Tomatoes, 0.5 cup, chopped or sliced
* Near East Whole Grain Wheat Couscous: Original Plain, 0.5 cup
* Wholly Guacamole 100 Calorie Snack Pack, 1 serving
"No problem can withstand the power of sustained creative thought." Unknown
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is one's attitude about the problem." Unknown
Problem: Today, I (and about 10 others) showed up for our Thursday evening spinning class. Everyone pulled out there bikes, made the necessary adjustments, then hopped on for that 10 minute warm-up. (Most of us are die-hards who show up plenty early to get a nice warm up before the instructor shows up.) 5:00pm rolls around. then 5:05pm. Legs still spinning, you hear the murmurs starting. Everyone looks at one another in silent questioning. At the squeak of the door, all heads turn, but no, just another rider rushing in a little late. 5:10pm - still no instructor. 3 of our number gets off their bike, disinfects and heads down to the gym, disappointed that there was apparently no ride today.
Solution: The remaining 7 of us? We decided that, if we could work the stereo (because God knows you need music!), we could do this class ourselves. And boy did we! We each took turns setting the next goal, spin speed, resistance level. We competed with one another, not just in how fast and how hard our legs could turn, but in who could beat the last "Dictator of Pain". When cool down time struck, every last one of us was breathless, dripping in sweat ... and laughing! Because we were trying to make up that lost 10 minutes from the top of the class (and because we were competing!) there was very little down time, and each obstacle was harder than the one before. We love our instructors and want them to, of course, be there. But, I'm pretty sure every one of us worked harder in today's class than we have in a long time.
Things happen. People can't always show up when you need them to. Many of us have friends, workout partners, spouses whose lives sometimes interrupt our fitness plans. Instead of letting it derail us, we can utilize some "sustained creative thought" and come up with a way to get it done, in spite of the obstacle. And, as I learned today, sometimes the obstacles can take you to a place that surprises, delights and challenges you.
I really learned something from this, today. And I am still smiling about it.
* Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 2 serving
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 2 serving
* Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
* Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Del Monte Cut Green Beans, 1 cup
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Del Monte Cut Green Beans, 1 cup
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Red Ripe Tomatoes, 0.5 cup, chopped or sliced
* Near East Whole Grain Wheat Couscous: Original Plain, 0.5 cup
* Wholly Guacamole 100 Calorie Snack Pack, 1 serving
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Who you are is NOT a quitter ...
We are trying to adjust to a new schedule, plus all those little *getting the house ready for winter* things. I feel like I can barely catch up. Ian started karate 2x a week, Monday's & Wednesday's. For now. Eventually he will probably up it to 3x, but this is all we can handle at this point. Add in Physical Therapy twice a week, long workouts (nearly 2 hours every M/W/F, and at least an hour T/Th/Sa), homework, house cleaning (what's that?!), parent/teacher conferences, and so forth. I am tired.
I have tried all day to think of something fun, witty and inspiring to write, however I have failed. All I have left is this: There will be days when you feel like you can not possibly fit it all in, but somehow, you will. There will be days when the last thing you feel like doing is trillions of squats, and gazillions of minutes of cardio. There will be some days that it would save you so much time to just run through the drive-up window at Mc-Satan's. But you WILL do the squats and the cardio ... and you will NOT do the drive-up window. Because, this time, if something has to give, it isn't going to be you. You will barrel on, one foot at a time, seeing the finish line at the end of the day, and you will finish the race. Because it is who you are. And who you are is NOT A QUITTER.
So, I am being less witty and fun, but more short and to the point. And then I am going upstairs and I am going to rest my weary bones and prepare for another day of battle the best way I know how. SLEEP.
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
* Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
* Banana, fresh, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
* Cucumber (with peel), 1 cup slices
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Libby's Cut Green Beans Natural Pack, 1 cup
* Gorton's Grilled Salmon, 1 serving
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Thomas 100 Calorie Plain Bagel, 1 serving
* MaraNatha Natural Almond Butter, 2 tbsp
I have tried all day to think of something fun, witty and inspiring to write, however I have failed. All I have left is this: There will be days when you feel like you can not possibly fit it all in, but somehow, you will. There will be days when the last thing you feel like doing is trillions of squats, and gazillions of minutes of cardio. There will be some days that it would save you so much time to just run through the drive-up window at Mc-Satan's. But you WILL do the squats and the cardio ... and you will NOT do the drive-up window. Because, this time, if something has to give, it isn't going to be you. You will barrel on, one foot at a time, seeing the finish line at the end of the day, and you will finish the race. Because it is who you are. And who you are is NOT A QUITTER.
So, I am being less witty and fun, but more short and to the point. And then I am going upstairs and I am going to rest my weary bones and prepare for another day of battle the best way I know how. SLEEP.
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
* Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
* Banana, fresh, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
* Cucumber (with peel), 1 cup slices
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Libby's Cut Green Beans Natural Pack, 1 cup
* Gorton's Grilled Salmon, 1 serving
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Thomas 100 Calorie Plain Bagel, 1 serving
* MaraNatha Natural Almond Butter, 2 tbsp
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
That "A-HA!" Moment
Everyone has them, and most people have them more than once in a lifetime. That moment when you realize something that should have been obvious all along, referred to as the "A-HA! Moment". Sometimes, it's that day that you realize the job you have been doing since college to pay off your student loan really IS the career you were hoping to find. Sometimes, it's after years doing something you trained a lifetime for, suddenly realizing you really don't love it at all. Maybe it was the time you looked at your best friend and realized "Hey - I kinda love this guy!" and found your soul mate in the person who had been there all along.
I have pretty much had all of those particular "A-HA! Moments" ... and a few more. My most recent, of course, involved fitness. There were a few events which all accumulated into one ultra clear vision.
Sometime early this year, my friend was showing competition pictures of her sister. Everyone was awestruck by the fabulous muscles and impressed/intimidated by her incredible physique. I remember my mouth going dry and thinking "THAT is what I want to be!" (A-HA!) I made some comment that I wished she lived nearer so I could just sit at her feet and learn. Then I went home and saw reflected in the mirror the dumpy, soft person I had become. I decided I would never be able to achieve that kind of fitness, and pushed it to the back of my consciousness.
This summer, I was invited to sing in a benefit concert. Broadway, show tune type stuff that I used to be very good at, when I was younger and lived and breathed theatre. The concert was on a Monday, for which I had to get all dressed up and sing my heart out. I was a nervous wreck, thrilled when it was over, and all in all, really found it was no longer my cup of tea. The very next day I had a softball game. I was dirty, alive, excited ... happy from beginning to end and I realized ... I LOVE being active! Sure I miss performing now and then, but I can not breathe without THIS! (A-HA!)
During the summer I realized that I no longer wanted to be the heavy, unfit person I had become. I threw around some ideas in my head: Weight Watchers again? Jenny Craig? Nutri-system? None of them felt right, and I sunk just a little lower into the realization that I might be stuck in this cocoon for life. Then my friend (sister of the fitness competitor) mentioned that said sister, Maureen, was training a woman who weighed around 240 lbs. She mentioned that she had always envisioned her sister only training "thin" people. "A-HA!" Light bulbs go off. We have flashing, Vegas-style strobes happening here. What if ... What IF I contacted Maureen to see if she might train me from afar? What if I had a woman who actually lives the life, embraces the lifestyle that I crave, be the person that I report to? I inhale "M&F Hers" and "Oxygen" magazines. I see those women and wish that I could look like them. The models on the front of Shape, Self, Fitness? They do nothing for me ... they are just skinny people. I want my outside to reflect who I am inside ... an ATHLETE. What if I was trained by someone who was one of those women I so admire, who competes at that level? What if .........
And that is the story of the "A-HA! Moment" that led me to contacting Maureen. Now that I am doing it (and yes, I still have a long ways to go), I wonder what on earth took me so long to make this decision. I am happier, I am less stressed, far less depressed. I feel like I am living in my sweet spot. As if I am doing exactly what I was created to do. Do I still enjoy crafts, music, theatre? Of course! But they are extra things ... my purpose is THIS. A-HA!
(Oh ... and just for the record, my weigh in yesterday was 203.8, which means that I lost 7.1 lbs in ONE WEEK! Do a little happy dance with me??)
* Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 4 serving
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 2 serving
* Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
* Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
* Jennie O Savory Seasoned Turkey Burgers, 1 serving
* Del Monte Cut Green Beans, 0.75 cup
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Del Monte Cut Green Beans, 1 cup
* Kikkoman Lite Soy Sauce, 2 tbsp
* Avocados, California (Haas), 0.5 fruit without skin and seeds
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Red Ripe Tomatoes, 0.5 cup, chopped or sliced
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Raspberries, 0.5 cup
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
* Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Gorton's Grilled Salmon, 1 serving
* Cauliflower, frozen, cooked, 1 cup (1" pieces)
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Cucumber (with peel), 1 cup slices
* Del Monte Lite Diced Peaches, 4 oz
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1 serving
* Dare Grains First Whole Grain Crackers, 2 serving
I have pretty much had all of those particular "A-HA! Moments" ... and a few more. My most recent, of course, involved fitness. There were a few events which all accumulated into one ultra clear vision.
Sometime early this year, my friend was showing competition pictures of her sister. Everyone was awestruck by the fabulous muscles and impressed/intimidated by her incredible physique. I remember my mouth going dry and thinking "THAT is what I want to be!" (A-HA!) I made some comment that I wished she lived nearer so I could just sit at her feet and learn. Then I went home and saw reflected in the mirror the dumpy, soft person I had become. I decided I would never be able to achieve that kind of fitness, and pushed it to the back of my consciousness.
This summer, I was invited to sing in a benefit concert. Broadway, show tune type stuff that I used to be very good at, when I was younger and lived and breathed theatre. The concert was on a Monday, for which I had to get all dressed up and sing my heart out. I was a nervous wreck, thrilled when it was over, and all in all, really found it was no longer my cup of tea. The very next day I had a softball game. I was dirty, alive, excited ... happy from beginning to end and I realized ... I LOVE being active! Sure I miss performing now and then, but I can not breathe without THIS! (A-HA!)
During the summer I realized that I no longer wanted to be the heavy, unfit person I had become. I threw around some ideas in my head: Weight Watchers again? Jenny Craig? Nutri-system? None of them felt right, and I sunk just a little lower into the realization that I might be stuck in this cocoon for life. Then my friend (sister of the fitness competitor) mentioned that said sister, Maureen, was training a woman who weighed around 240 lbs. She mentioned that she had always envisioned her sister only training "thin" people. "A-HA!" Light bulbs go off. We have flashing, Vegas-style strobes happening here. What if ... What IF I contacted Maureen to see if she might train me from afar? What if I had a woman who actually lives the life, embraces the lifestyle that I crave, be the person that I report to? I inhale "M&F Hers" and "Oxygen" magazines. I see those women and wish that I could look like them. The models on the front of Shape, Self, Fitness? They do nothing for me ... they are just skinny people. I want my outside to reflect who I am inside ... an ATHLETE. What if I was trained by someone who was one of those women I so admire, who competes at that level? What if .........
And that is the story of the "A-HA! Moment" that led me to contacting Maureen. Now that I am doing it (and yes, I still have a long ways to go), I wonder what on earth took me so long to make this decision. I am happier, I am less stressed, far less depressed. I feel like I am living in my sweet spot. As if I am doing exactly what I was created to do. Do I still enjoy crafts, music, theatre? Of course! But they are extra things ... my purpose is THIS. A-HA!
(Oh ... and just for the record, my weigh in yesterday was 203.8, which means that I lost 7.1 lbs in ONE WEEK! Do a little happy dance with me??)
* Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 4 serving
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 2 serving
* Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
* Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
* Jennie O Savory Seasoned Turkey Burgers, 1 serving
* Del Monte Cut Green Beans, 0.75 cup
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Del Monte Cut Green Beans, 1 cup
* Kikkoman Lite Soy Sauce, 2 tbsp
* Avocados, California (Haas), 0.5 fruit without skin and seeds
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Red Ripe Tomatoes, 0.5 cup, chopped or sliced
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Raspberries, 0.5 cup
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
* Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Gorton's Grilled Salmon, 1 serving
* Cauliflower, frozen, cooked, 1 cup (1" pieces)
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Cucumber (with peel), 1 cup slices
* Del Monte Lite Diced Peaches, 4 oz
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1 serving
* Dare Grains First Whole Grain Crackers, 2 serving
Sunday, October 18, 2009
'Tis true, it is black and blue ...
So intensely did I train,
my ankle I did sprain.
Unfortunately, 'tis true
confirmed by the black and the blue.
Well, since it was during my "1 hour of fun cardio" yesterday, I am not sure if I can truly claim "intense training", but I do have a mild, low-ankle sprain. Seriously, not bad, just a little sore, and a bit ugly. I tested though, and I can still squat, I can still lunge, calf lifts are a bit more sore and running will be out of the question ... but hey! I wasn't planning on running anyway! :)
And for the record, it is no longer "fun cardio" to walk my little Irish Terrorist. She has forgotten all of her walking manners, hence the sprain by tripping as she criss-crossed in front of me hundreds of times chasing after squirrels, cars, blades of grass ... whatever. Also for the record, this tripping occurred within the 1st 1/2 mile of our walk, I got up, tested the ankle and continued on for the full 5 miles. It wasn't until I went to bed (very late) that I realized the slight twinge would become full-fledged pain and swelling once my sock was removed.
I am pretty sure I am the most accident prone person in the universe. No, really, I dare anyone to find a better contender.
My husband and I met friends out last night for drinks (them, me water) and karaoke. We had a wonderful time. It was great to get out, shake the dust off and just hang. One of my proudest moments came when our friend asked if I could even share a bite of her mushroom burger (sans bun) and I said "no." Here's the proud moment ... she said "really? Not even a bite" and Chris, my husband answered, "She won't." As in, nope, she won't eat it, she won't give in, don't even try. lol And he looked quite proud of me. So I felt good about it.
Football Sunday starts in just a few minutes, so I am going to put the diary for Fri & Sat in, then settle myself onto the couch, ankle propped up, resting up for tomorrow. Enjoy your Sunday!
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Raspberries, 0.5 cup
* Swordfish, 3 oz
* Green Giant Cut Green Beans, can, 1 cup
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Asparagus, fresh, 10 spear, small (5" long or less)
* Dare Grains First Whole Grain Crackers, 2 serving
* Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1 serving
* Pears, canned, 0.5 cup, halves
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
* Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
* Banana, fresh, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup, chopped
* Coho Salmon, 3 oz
* Libby's Cut Green Beans Natural Pack, 1 cup
* Raspberries, 0.5 cup
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Thomas 100 Calorie Plain Bagel, 1 serving
* MaraNatha Natural Almond Butter, 2 tbsp
my ankle I did sprain.
Unfortunately, 'tis true
confirmed by the black and the blue.
Well, since it was during my "1 hour of fun cardio" yesterday, I am not sure if I can truly claim "intense training", but I do have a mild, low-ankle sprain. Seriously, not bad, just a little sore, and a bit ugly. I tested though, and I can still squat, I can still lunge, calf lifts are a bit more sore and running will be out of the question ... but hey! I wasn't planning on running anyway! :)
And for the record, it is no longer "fun cardio" to walk my little Irish Terrorist. She has forgotten all of her walking manners, hence the sprain by tripping as she criss-crossed in front of me hundreds of times chasing after squirrels, cars, blades of grass ... whatever. Also for the record, this tripping occurred within the 1st 1/2 mile of our walk, I got up, tested the ankle and continued on for the full 5 miles. It wasn't until I went to bed (very late) that I realized the slight twinge would become full-fledged pain and swelling once my sock was removed.
I am pretty sure I am the most accident prone person in the universe. No, really, I dare anyone to find a better contender.
My husband and I met friends out last night for drinks (them, me water) and karaoke. We had a wonderful time. It was great to get out, shake the dust off and just hang. One of my proudest moments came when our friend asked if I could even share a bite of her mushroom burger (sans bun) and I said "no." Here's the proud moment ... she said "really? Not even a bite" and Chris, my husband answered, "She won't." As in, nope, she won't eat it, she won't give in, don't even try. lol And he looked quite proud of me. So I felt good about it.
Football Sunday starts in just a few minutes, so I am going to put the diary for Fri & Sat in, then settle myself onto the couch, ankle propped up, resting up for tomorrow. Enjoy your Sunday!
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Raspberries, 0.5 cup
* Swordfish, 3 oz
* Green Giant Cut Green Beans, can, 1 cup
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Asparagus, fresh, 10 spear, small (5" long or less)
* Dare Grains First Whole Grain Crackers, 2 serving
* Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1 serving
* Pears, canned, 0.5 cup, halves
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
* Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
* Banana, fresh, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup, chopped
* Coho Salmon, 3 oz
* Libby's Cut Green Beans Natural Pack, 1 cup
* Raspberries, 0.5 cup
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Thomas 100 Calorie Plain Bagel, 1 serving
* MaraNatha Natural Almond Butter, 2 tbsp
Friday, October 16, 2009
Motivation Blockers, Energy Zappers & the like
The road is smooth, life is going exactly the way you want it, you start getting up to a decent speed, feeling strong and able to accomplish anything,when ... BAMM! BIG pothole, right in the middle of your groove. Next thing you know, you are lying on the side of the road, cut and bruised and wondering, how they heck did that happen and why did I not see it coming?
Sometimes, the warning signs get moved.
Comparatively, my life is an easy one. My husband has a wonderful career, which enables me to have the freedom to work as I wish, without worrying about the bottom line, financially. I only have one child, and he is at school 7.5 hours per day, which gives me some free time to work with in my schedule. I have flexibility in my life that makes it easier for me than for some to initiate change and, hopefully, improvement. So why, then, is it so easy to get upended by potholes in the freeway of my daily life?
Last year, we had some school troubles with my son. He struggles with writing and vents his frustration in highly inappropriate ways (screaming, fits, backtalk, etc.) at his teacher. He is extremely bright (that's not just mom saying it, it's true) and his reading and verbalization level is several years past his own. But the physical act of writing? Very hard for him. He is also immature for his age, which is why he acts out like a 2 year old when he gets frustrated. OK, so that's a little harsh, but you have to understand. We dealt with this ALL 2nd SEMESTER of last year. I allowed it to further deepen my depression and feeling of failure (after all, it IS all about ME, isn't it?) as a parent. I was so tired of restricting him, of bad notes home from the teacher, conferences with the counselor, etc., etc., etc. This year has started out fantastic, a world of difference from last. Until the past 2 days. Last night, at dinner, as we sat there hashing over dismal another report from his teacher, I had the worst sense of Deja Vu ... and I quite literally felt the positive energy and motivation start to seep right out of me.
Of course, I woke this morning with that same feeling of foreboding and dread, the 50 lbs. weight hanging around my neck, dragging me down and making me ache. Isn't it odd how you feel the pains in your body so much more when your energy is low?
The thing is, this is not really my problem. It IS, of course, because it is my son and I want and need to do everything in my power to help him through it. But ultimately, it is up to him. He needs to change his attitude, he needs to do the work, he needs to control his emotions when frustrated. I can't do that for him. All I can do is help him through it and give him the tools he needs to accomplish these things. One of the best ways I can do that is to succeed at my own life, to overcome my own struggles. If I lie down on the side of the road again and spend day after day crying about whatever happens to be the downer of the moment, my son will learn that it is OK to quit. It is OK to wallow in self pity when things aren't going the way you wish. However, if I stand up and fight, even when things are at their most difficult, he will learn that giving up is never an option.
Instead of letting the emotions of this morning drag me down, I am going to get up and get some serious work done. On myself, on my body, on my house ... even on my bank book. And by the time my son makes his way home from school, I hope that he will find a positive role model to talk to, dressed up just like his dear old mom.
"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed." ~ Booker T. Washington ~
Thursday's Food Diary
* Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 4 serving
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 2 serving
* Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
* Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
* Jennie O Savory Seasoned Turkey Burgers, 1 serving
* Del Monte Cut Green Beans, 0.75 cup
* Brussels sprouts, cooked, 1 cup
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Kikkoman Lite Soy Sauce, 2 tbsp
* Avocados, California (Haas), 0.5 fruit without skin and seeds
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Sometimes, the warning signs get moved.
Comparatively, my life is an easy one. My husband has a wonderful career, which enables me to have the freedom to work as I wish, without worrying about the bottom line, financially. I only have one child, and he is at school 7.5 hours per day, which gives me some free time to work with in my schedule. I have flexibility in my life that makes it easier for me than for some to initiate change and, hopefully, improvement. So why, then, is it so easy to get upended by potholes in the freeway of my daily life?
Last year, we had some school troubles with my son. He struggles with writing and vents his frustration in highly inappropriate ways (screaming, fits, backtalk, etc.) at his teacher. He is extremely bright (that's not just mom saying it, it's true) and his reading and verbalization level is several years past his own. But the physical act of writing? Very hard for him. He is also immature for his age, which is why he acts out like a 2 year old when he gets frustrated. OK, so that's a little harsh, but you have to understand. We dealt with this ALL 2nd SEMESTER of last year. I allowed it to further deepen my depression and feeling of failure (after all, it IS all about ME, isn't it?) as a parent. I was so tired of restricting him, of bad notes home from the teacher, conferences with the counselor, etc., etc., etc. This year has started out fantastic, a world of difference from last. Until the past 2 days. Last night, at dinner, as we sat there hashing over dismal another report from his teacher, I had the worst sense of Deja Vu ... and I quite literally felt the positive energy and motivation start to seep right out of me.
Of course, I woke this morning with that same feeling of foreboding and dread, the 50 lbs. weight hanging around my neck, dragging me down and making me ache. Isn't it odd how you feel the pains in your body so much more when your energy is low?
The thing is, this is not really my problem. It IS, of course, because it is my son and I want and need to do everything in my power to help him through it. But ultimately, it is up to him. He needs to change his attitude, he needs to do the work, he needs to control his emotions when frustrated. I can't do that for him. All I can do is help him through it and give him the tools he needs to accomplish these things. One of the best ways I can do that is to succeed at my own life, to overcome my own struggles. If I lie down on the side of the road again and spend day after day crying about whatever happens to be the downer of the moment, my son will learn that it is OK to quit. It is OK to wallow in self pity when things aren't going the way you wish. However, if I stand up and fight, even when things are at their most difficult, he will learn that giving up is never an option.
Instead of letting the emotions of this morning drag me down, I am going to get up and get some serious work done. On myself, on my body, on my house ... even on my bank book. And by the time my son makes his way home from school, I hope that he will find a positive role model to talk to, dressed up just like his dear old mom.
"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed." ~ Booker T. Washington ~
Thursday's Food Diary
* Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 4 serving
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 2 serving
* Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
* Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
* Jennie O Savory Seasoned Turkey Burgers, 1 serving
* Del Monte Cut Green Beans, 0.75 cup
* Brussels sprouts, cooked, 1 cup
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Kikkoman Lite Soy Sauce, 2 tbsp
* Avocados, California (Haas), 0.5 fruit without skin and seeds
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I simply got caught up ...
Sorry for no post yesterday. To be completely forthright with you, there wasn't much to say. My day was filled with mundane and normal things, full body workout, an encouraging talk with Maureen and new drapes for the family room. I ate what I was supposed to, when I was supposed to, and really didn't find it difficult at all. In fact, at lunch I really wasn't all that hungry. However, I ate the allotted chicken breast and cup of veggies. Thankfully, too, as I actually was quite hungry later that day. Guess it took a while for my metabolism to catch up?
Today is my first meeting with the physical therapist. I am interested to see what he will do to me. The pain and swelling from the shot have gone down 100% ... and actually, today, there is less pain even in the original area. That's good ... but I know I still have to play it safe. Being lulled into a sense of security when the *warning pain* dissipates is dangerous.
I am getting a treadmill on Saturday. God bless Craig's List. Even though its not my favorite form of cardio, it will be wonderful to have it here for those days when I am housebound. Or even just to make add a little extra into my day. Maybe I can even *walk the dog* during a blizzard? LOL If that ever happens, I will be sure to film it for YouTube. hehe
I found a quote yesterday that has been sticking with me ever since, so I want to share it here:
"We won’t even attempt to achieve what we do not believe at a deep level to be worthy of having or deserving." ~ Ruth Ross ~
I thought I would leave it with you to chew on for a while, too. We have to believe that we deserve what we are attempting to achieve. Own it.
Tuesday's Food Diary
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
* Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Coho Salmon, 0.5 fillet
* Cauliflower, frozen, cooked, 1 cup
* Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Carrots, cooked, 1 cup slices
* Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1 serving
* Dare Grains First Whole Grain Crackers, 2 serving
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Mango's, 0.5 cup, sliced
Wednesday's Food Diary
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
* Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
* Banana, fresh, 1 medium
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup, chopped
* Swordfish, 3 oz
* Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup, chopped
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Red Ripe Tomatoes, 0.5 cup, chopped or sliced
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Strawberries, fresh, 0.5 cup, sliced
Today is my first meeting with the physical therapist. I am interested to see what he will do to me. The pain and swelling from the shot have gone down 100% ... and actually, today, there is less pain even in the original area. That's good ... but I know I still have to play it safe. Being lulled into a sense of security when the *warning pain* dissipates is dangerous.
I am getting a treadmill on Saturday. God bless Craig's List. Even though its not my favorite form of cardio, it will be wonderful to have it here for those days when I am housebound. Or even just to make add a little extra into my day. Maybe I can even *walk the dog* during a blizzard? LOL If that ever happens, I will be sure to film it for YouTube. hehe
I found a quote yesterday that has been sticking with me ever since, so I want to share it here:
"We won’t even attempt to achieve what we do not believe at a deep level to be worthy of having or deserving." ~ Ruth Ross ~
I thought I would leave it with you to chew on for a while, too. We have to believe that we deserve what we are attempting to achieve. Own it.
Tuesday's Food Diary
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
* Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Coho Salmon, 0.5 fillet
* Cauliflower, frozen, cooked, 1 cup
* Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Carrots, cooked, 1 cup slices
* Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1 serving
* Dare Grains First Whole Grain Crackers, 2 serving
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Mango's, 0.5 cup, sliced
Wednesday's Food Diary
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
* Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
* Banana, fresh, 1 medium
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup, chopped
* Swordfish, 3 oz
* Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup, chopped
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Red Ripe Tomatoes, 0.5 cup, chopped or sliced
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Strawberries, fresh, 0.5 cup, sliced
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I Hate Her, I Hate Her, I Hate Her! (Different Her!)
Sooo, went to the Orthopaedic chick yesterday (I will just call her Ortho from here on out) and learned that I do indeed have a slight tear in my Rotator Cuff. That's not too bad, however there is also tendinitis and impingement in the rotator cuff circle of friends that meets at my left shoulder. Altogether it makes for a bit of a mess. Hopefully, not so big of a mess that we need to go in and cut it, but that lots of physical therapy will help. And, OH YEAH, Cortisone Shots. Ummm. Having now had my very first one, let me just say, I AM NOT A FAN!! When I went into to see Ortho, I could still move my arm to the front, to the back a bit, could even lift it to the side some if in the right position. Now? Can't hardly move it at all. And, OH YEAH, if you brush up against my left shoulder, I guarantee that my right fist is going to show you how healthy it is.
*Sigh* OK, I am not really so mean as all that, but I am really hurting. I feel like an invalid. This injury has previously been just an inconvenience, now it feels like a full-fledged, well, INJURY. Train Wreck. I want it healed, but gosh, I didn't want to lose what I already had, and I am not quite over being angry about that part yet.
Tired of my belly ache? Yeah, me too. So I will simmer down and shut up about it. The other stuff in my life is going fantastic. I have been very prepared the last couple of days, now that I am more certain of all the rules. If I have to cook, I cook enough for many days, then freeze what won't get eaten within 3. I started storing my left over veggies in one-cup portions in the fridge, so all I have to do is grab the flavor of the day, at its given time and go. I feel quite in control of myself right now and still just taking every day as it comes. In spite of the extra pain, I made it through my first spin class in forever with gusto. I forgot how much I love that feeling. If you have never tried a spinning class, I highly recommend it. Your bumm will ache for 2 days after your first go around, but will harden up nicely after that, and its just a rush. If you have any ounce of competitiveness in you, this is the place to be. Racing against yourself (and if you are like me, against everyone else in the class!), feeling that burn, reaching that peak ... it's an indoor fitness adventure.
Here's Monday's Food Diary:
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
* Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Coho Salmon, 0.5 fillet
* Cauliflower, frozen, cooked, 1 cup (1" pieces)
* Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Carrots, cooked, 1 cup slices
* Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1 serving
* Dare Grains First Whole Grain Crackers, 2 serving
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Mangos, 0.5 cup, sliced
Go forth and be strong!
*Sigh* OK, I am not really so mean as all that, but I am really hurting. I feel like an invalid. This injury has previously been just an inconvenience, now it feels like a full-fledged, well, INJURY. Train Wreck. I want it healed, but gosh, I didn't want to lose what I already had, and I am not quite over being angry about that part yet.
Tired of my belly ache? Yeah, me too. So I will simmer down and shut up about it. The other stuff in my life is going fantastic. I have been very prepared the last couple of days, now that I am more certain of all the rules. If I have to cook, I cook enough for many days, then freeze what won't get eaten within 3. I started storing my left over veggies in one-cup portions in the fridge, so all I have to do is grab the flavor of the day, at its given time and go. I feel quite in control of myself right now and still just taking every day as it comes. In spite of the extra pain, I made it through my first spin class in forever with gusto. I forgot how much I love that feeling. If you have never tried a spinning class, I highly recommend it. Your bumm will ache for 2 days after your first go around, but will harden up nicely after that, and its just a rush. If you have any ounce of competitiveness in you, this is the place to be. Racing against yourself (and if you are like me, against everyone else in the class!), feeling that burn, reaching that peak ... it's an indoor fitness adventure.
Here's Monday's Food Diary:
* Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
* Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Coho Salmon, 0.5 fillet
* Cauliflower, frozen, cooked, 1 cup (1" pieces)
* Olivio Buttery Spray 5 sprays, 1 serving
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Carrots, cooked, 1 cup slices
* Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1 serving
* Dare Grains First Whole Grain Crackers, 2 serving
* Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
* Mangos, 0.5 cup, sliced
Go forth and be strong!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Looking at the Day Planner, I have an amazing day stacked before me. Let me share it with you, so you can stand in awe along side me ....
9am leave for whole body workout. (after b'fast)
11pm return from WO (eat mid-morning snack)
11:15pm drop Ian off at friends for playdate (yay!)
11:30 gets ducks in row to be prepared for ...
12pm Phone Consultation with P/T Maureen
12:30 finish consult, load up car with guitar and Ian's piano books, prepare mid afternoon snack to carry with me, eat quick lunch
12:45pm leave for Orthopaedic Appointment, arriving early to fill out paperwork
2:00 Hopefully finished with Ortho, leave to pick up Ian so we can arrive at ...
3:00pm Guitar lesson, followed immediately by ...
3:30pm Ian's Piano lesson
4:30pm return home and start cooking dinner
The evening will be filled with preparing for back to school on Tuesday, reading homework, eating supper, cleaning up afterwards, getting the boy in bed ... THEN I can finally sit down and take a breath. Usually Monday's do not have Ortho, but do also include a tutoring session at 6pm. Isn't life crazy anymore?
My week and my weekend were good. I feel good about myself and my accomplishments. My weight is down, not as much as I would have liked, but really, I can't complain. I weighed in this morn at 210.9, which is down from 213.5. So far to go, but if I can stay patient and maintain this pace ... (which is unlikely since weight loss always slows and has peaks and valleys) I can be at my goal in approximately 25 weeks. Half a year. Really? That seems so close!
I have often felt that losing weight is the impossible task, while putting it on takes only glancing in the direction of something less than healthy. That it takes far longer to lose weight than it does to gain it. But think about this ... I moved here 5 years (almost 6 years ago) and managed to put on 50 lbs in that time, highs and lows yes, but ultimately 50 lbs in almost 6 years. I have the potential of taking it all off within ONE year if I can maintain my focus and motivation. That's really exciting! Keep putting one foot in front of the other and don't sit down and you will make it to your destination. The more you sit, the more time it will take. Action = Accomplishment. Hmmm. :) You know what? That makes me smile. On a MONDAY. :)
Sunday's Food Diary
* Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
* Apples, fresh, 0.5 cup, quartered or chopped
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
* Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup, chopped
Tilapia, 3.5 oz
Libby's Cut Green Beans Natural Pack, 1 cup
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Thomas 100 Calorie Plain Bagel, 1 serving
MaraNatha Natural Almond Butter, 2 tbsp
9am leave for whole body workout. (after b'fast)
11pm return from WO (eat mid-morning snack)
11:15pm drop Ian off at friends for playdate (yay!)
11:30 gets ducks in row to be prepared for ...
12pm Phone Consultation with P/T Maureen
12:30 finish consult, load up car with guitar and Ian's piano books, prepare mid afternoon snack to carry with me, eat quick lunch
12:45pm leave for Orthopaedic Appointment, arriving early to fill out paperwork
2:00 Hopefully finished with Ortho, leave to pick up Ian so we can arrive at ...
3:00pm Guitar lesson, followed immediately by ...
3:30pm Ian's Piano lesson
4:30pm return home and start cooking dinner
The evening will be filled with preparing for back to school on Tuesday, reading homework, eating supper, cleaning up afterwards, getting the boy in bed ... THEN I can finally sit down and take a breath. Usually Monday's do not have Ortho, but do also include a tutoring session at 6pm. Isn't life crazy anymore?
My week and my weekend were good. I feel good about myself and my accomplishments. My weight is down, not as much as I would have liked, but really, I can't complain. I weighed in this morn at 210.9, which is down from 213.5. So far to go, but if I can stay patient and maintain this pace ... (which is unlikely since weight loss always slows and has peaks and valleys) I can be at my goal in approximately 25 weeks. Half a year. Really? That seems so close!
I have often felt that losing weight is the impossible task, while putting it on takes only glancing in the direction of something less than healthy. That it takes far longer to lose weight than it does to gain it. But think about this ... I moved here 5 years (almost 6 years ago) and managed to put on 50 lbs in that time, highs and lows yes, but ultimately 50 lbs in almost 6 years. I have the potential of taking it all off within ONE year if I can maintain my focus and motivation. That's really exciting! Keep putting one foot in front of the other and don't sit down and you will make it to your destination. The more you sit, the more time it will take. Action = Accomplishment. Hmmm. :) You know what? That makes me smile. On a MONDAY. :)
Sunday's Food Diary
* Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
* Apples, fresh, 0.5 cup, quartered or chopped
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
* Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup, chopped
Tilapia, 3.5 oz
Libby's Cut Green Beans Natural Pack, 1 cup
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Whey to Go Whey Protein Powder, chocolate flavor, 28 gram(s)
Thomas 100 Calorie Plain Bagel, 1 serving
MaraNatha Natural Almond Butter, 2 tbsp
Sunday, October 11, 2009
No Time To Talk!
It's Sunday. I made it through my first football Sunday while staying on plan. It is also 9:55pm and at 10pm, I turn into a pumpkin. I am just going to give you yesterday's food diary (Saturday) and will write a longer, more creative and in-depth entry tomorrow. Hope no one is disappointed ... but a girl's gotta sleep!
GeniSoy Soy Protein Ultra XT Powder, 1 serving
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
Regular Coffee, 2 cup (8 fl oz)
Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
Chinook Salmon, 3 oz
Cauliflower, frozen, cooked, 1 cup (1" pieces)
Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Del Monte Cut Green Beans, 1 cup
Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1.25 serving
Dare Grains First Whole Grain Crackers, 2 serving
Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
Mangos, 0.5 cup, sliced
PS: Oh yeah ...I'm not sore today either! :) Whooo hoooooo!
GeniSoy Soy Protein Ultra XT Powder, 1 serving
Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
Regular Coffee, 2 cup (8 fl oz)
Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 1 serving
Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
Chinook Salmon, 3 oz
Cauliflower, frozen, cooked, 1 cup (1" pieces)
Olivio, Olivio Buttery Spread, 5 sprays, 1 serving
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Del Monte Cut Green Beans, 1 cup
Starkist Tuna Creations Hickory Smoked Tuna, 1.25 serving
Dare Grains First Whole Grain Crackers, 2 serving
Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
Mangos, 0.5 cup, sliced
PS: Oh yeah ...I'm not sore today either! :) Whooo hoooooo!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
What I Have Learned ...
It hasn't been a full *week* yet, however, today I just finished ... no, I just ACCOMPLISHED my first week of my new training schedule. There has been pain, there have been obstacles, there have been up days and down days, but because I took one day at a time and dealt with each individual crisis as it happened, not allowing anything to derail my journey towards the ultimate goal, I did it.
I have learned that my body is an amazing machine that remembers things, even when misuse has made it rusty and soft. I have learned that it feels good to notice the muscles in my legs because I feel them, even when I can't see them quite yet. I have learned that knee pain can be managed with ice. I have learned that ibuprofen can be a best friend. I have learned that schedules can be rearranged.
I have learned that I can accomplish anything if I put my mind to it.
I do realize that there is a long ways to go. That the downs are going to attain more depth and the climb back out will be more difficult. But hey, I will have better climbing muscles by then, right? I know that my resolve will diminish at times and that I will have to fight very hard to stay motivated. But right now? I feel like I am filling up my motivation storeroom, and when the time comes I will be better prepared than ever before.
I am also very excited that tomorrow is a day off. :) I am looking forward to resting while enjoying some great football. Right now I am even looking forward to Monday's appointment with the orthopaedic center. It has taken me far too long to get this taken care of, and I have been paying for it in pain. Definitely, time for that to end.
“The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes ~
* Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
* Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 4 serving
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 2 serving
* Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
Turkey Burger, Jennie-O, 4 oz
Libby's Cut Green Beans Natural Pack, 1 cup
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup, chopped
Brown Rice, 0.75 cup
Avocados, California (Haas), 0.5 fruit without skin and seeds
Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
Red Ripe Tomatoes, 0.5 cup, chopped or sliced
I have learned that my body is an amazing machine that remembers things, even when misuse has made it rusty and soft. I have learned that it feels good to notice the muscles in my legs because I feel them, even when I can't see them quite yet. I have learned that knee pain can be managed with ice. I have learned that ibuprofen can be a best friend. I have learned that schedules can be rearranged.
I have learned that I can accomplish anything if I put my mind to it.
I do realize that there is a long ways to go. That the downs are going to attain more depth and the climb back out will be more difficult. But hey, I will have better climbing muscles by then, right? I know that my resolve will diminish at times and that I will have to fight very hard to stay motivated. But right now? I feel like I am filling up my motivation storeroom, and when the time comes I will be better prepared than ever before.
I am also very excited that tomorrow is a day off. :) I am looking forward to resting while enjoying some great football. Right now I am even looking forward to Monday's appointment with the orthopaedic center. It has taken me far too long to get this taken care of, and I have been paying for it in pain. Definitely, time for that to end.
“The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes ~
* Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
* Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 4 serving
* Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread, 2 serving
* Regular Coffee, 3 cup (8 fl oz)
Turkey Burger, Jennie-O, 4 oz
Libby's Cut Green Beans Natural Pack, 1 cup
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup, chopped
Brown Rice, 0.75 cup
Avocados, California (Haas), 0.5 fruit without skin and seeds
Cottage Cheese, 1% Milkfat, 0.75 cup (not packed)
Red Ripe Tomatoes, 0.5 cup, chopped or sliced
Friday, October 9, 2009
Going with the Flow ...
Ian is home sick. Again. He was up last night with a fever of 103.3. This morning, it is low grade, but I can't send him because of the school rules. And besides that, 103.3 is high, even by our standards, so he must really be fighting something, poor little bugger.
What does this mean for me, other than being worried mom who checks on her son every few minutes and tries to force feed him liquids? Not getting to do my cardio in the morning. I will have to run out the door when Chris gets home so that I can get it in early enough not to affect my sleep too drastically. I think I want a bike (stationary!) for Christmas. Or an elliptical trainer for the house. Something ... maybe even a treadmill. Actually a tread would probably be the best thing because most of them fold up now and I can work on getting back into marathon shape away from the eyes at the gym. Fat jiggles a lot more on a tread than an elliptical or stationary bike. ;-) Seriously though, it would help a lot to have something here in the house that I could rely upon for the days when Ian is sick and Chris is gone.
I feel pretty good today. My shoulder is achy, but I can live with that. I have been doing so for over a year now. I actually feel the muscles in my legs when I walk, but its not impossibly painful. More like "Hey up there! Yep, we're still here!" kinda talk from the thighs. My shins were bothering me a bit last night, and my knee. But I iced the knee when I got home and the shins? They go away if you ignore them long enough. I have dealt with shin splints most of my adult life. I DO need a new pair of trainers though. I intended to head out today in search of the perfect fit ... but am sidelined by Ian's fever. UNLESS (bad mommy alert!) he starts feeling much better this afternoon. In which case, he and I might make a run to the sporting goods store. He's already feeling better than last night, and all we are dealing with is a fever and runny nose. I'm not THAT bad of a mom, am I?
So under the theme of "Going with the Flow" ... I am learning to adjust my schedule as needed based upon the daily things which strive to upend me. In the *Old Days*, if I didn't get to do my workout at my scheduled time, I would scrap it for the rest of the day. Now, it IS the most important thing on my schedule, it is my JOB, and I have to get it done every day, one way or the other. If I have to show up late, I show up late!
Life is full of obstacles, but you just have to learn how to leap over them. Another favorite quote? "Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal." Keep focused on where you need to go, and get through, over, around ... whatever might get in your way. Missing the goal is simply not an option. I read another quote today that really made me think ... meditate on this today:
"It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it." ~ Arnold Toynbee ~
* Onions, raw, 2 tbsp chopped
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
* Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
* Banana, fresh, 1 medium
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Asparagus, fresh, 11 spear, small
* Sea Bass (fish), 1 fillet
* Carrots, cooked, 1 cup slices
* Thomas 100 Calorie Plain Bagel, 1 serving
* MaraNatha Natural Almond Butter, 2 tbsp
* GeniSoy Soy Protein Ultra XT Powder, 1 serving
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
What does this mean for me, other than being worried mom who checks on her son every few minutes and tries to force feed him liquids? Not getting to do my cardio in the morning. I will have to run out the door when Chris gets home so that I can get it in early enough not to affect my sleep too drastically. I think I want a bike (stationary!) for Christmas. Or an elliptical trainer for the house. Something ... maybe even a treadmill. Actually a tread would probably be the best thing because most of them fold up now and I can work on getting back into marathon shape away from the eyes at the gym. Fat jiggles a lot more on a tread than an elliptical or stationary bike. ;-) Seriously though, it would help a lot to have something here in the house that I could rely upon for the days when Ian is sick and Chris is gone.
I feel pretty good today. My shoulder is achy, but I can live with that. I have been doing so for over a year now. I actually feel the muscles in my legs when I walk, but its not impossibly painful. More like "Hey up there! Yep, we're still here!" kinda talk from the thighs. My shins were bothering me a bit last night, and my knee. But I iced the knee when I got home and the shins? They go away if you ignore them long enough. I have dealt with shin splints most of my adult life. I DO need a new pair of trainers though. I intended to head out today in search of the perfect fit ... but am sidelined by Ian's fever. UNLESS (bad mommy alert!) he starts feeling much better this afternoon. In which case, he and I might make a run to the sporting goods store. He's already feeling better than last night, and all we are dealing with is a fever and runny nose. I'm not THAT bad of a mom, am I?
So under the theme of "Going with the Flow" ... I am learning to adjust my schedule as needed based upon the daily things which strive to upend me. In the *Old Days*, if I didn't get to do my workout at my scheduled time, I would scrap it for the rest of the day. Now, it IS the most important thing on my schedule, it is my JOB, and I have to get it done every day, one way or the other. If I have to show up late, I show up late!
Life is full of obstacles, but you just have to learn how to leap over them. Another favorite quote? "Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal." Keep focused on where you need to go, and get through, over, around ... whatever might get in your way. Missing the goal is simply not an option. I read another quote today that really made me think ... meditate on this today:
"It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it." ~ Arnold Toynbee ~
* Onions, raw, 2 tbsp chopped
* Organic Valley Organic Egg Whites, 3 serving
* Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
* Banana, fresh, 1 medium
* Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces
* Asparagus, fresh, 11 spear, small
* Sea Bass (fish), 1 fillet
* Carrots, cooked, 1 cup slices
* Thomas 100 Calorie Plain Bagel, 1 serving
* MaraNatha Natural Almond Butter, 2 tbsp
* GeniSoy Soy Protein Ultra XT Powder, 1 serving
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Blueberries, fresh, 0.5 cup
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Mirror Is UGLY!!
Things have been going very well, if I do say so myself. I just finished my 2nd full body Workout (WO) and, though it was difficult and, at times, painful, I managed every single minute. At the end of the WO, I was completing some work on my triceps, feeling a bit like Wonder Woman, strong, healthy ... then I checked my form in the mirror. WOW - is that ever an ugly mirror! Reflected back at me was not the strong, healthy, happy woman I was feeling inside, but instead there was this dumpy, frumpy, sweaty, old lady was standing there. ACK!
In the old days, I would have escaped to the locker room and cried in one of the bathroom stalls. Today, however, I looked away, realigned myself, tucked those buns, sucked in the gut and stood up straighter and continued on with the set. Nearing the end, I looked again at the mirror, and while it did not quite hold the reflection of the woman inside of me, it did show a stronger, taller, more capable person than it had before.
I feel better about myself for the things that I am doing to improve, but unfortunately, that doesn't translate immediately into a more attractive reflection in the mirror. Instead of looking there to find absolution for the changes I am making, I am going to have to spend more time looking inside, at the real me. Not the one who lives inside the ugly mirror. I am strong. I am capable. I WILL BE fit and healthy. Too often, the reflection acts as a gauge into how my day will work out. We've all been there, right? Bad hair can ruin an entire day. From here on out, though, I am going to rely less on the mirror and more on the positive energy I have inside of me. And someday? That mirror might not be quite so ugly!
* Kashi Autumn Wheat Cereal, 1 cup
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Spicy Lentil Chili, 1 serving
* Wholly Guacamole 100 Calorie Snack Pack, 1 serving
* Dimpilmeier Hunter Style Rye Bread, 2 serving
* Broccoli Sprouts, 0.5 oz
* Dreamfields Low-Carb Spaghetti, 1 serving
* Spaghetti/Marinara Sauce (tomato sauce), 1 cup
* Aidell's Chicken & Turkey Sausage (1 Link), Roasted Red Pepper & Corn, 100 gram(s)
* Parmesan Cheese, shredded, 1 tbsp
* Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds (28 almonds), 0.33 serving
* Starbucks Grande Nonfat Pumpkin Spice Latte - No Whip Cream, 16 oz
In the old days, I would have escaped to the locker room and cried in one of the bathroom stalls. Today, however, I looked away, realigned myself, tucked those buns, sucked in the gut and stood up straighter and continued on with the set. Nearing the end, I looked again at the mirror, and while it did not quite hold the reflection of the woman inside of me, it did show a stronger, taller, more capable person than it had before.
I feel better about myself for the things that I am doing to improve, but unfortunately, that doesn't translate immediately into a more attractive reflection in the mirror. Instead of looking there to find absolution for the changes I am making, I am going to have to spend more time looking inside, at the real me. Not the one who lives inside the ugly mirror. I am strong. I am capable. I WILL BE fit and healthy. Too often, the reflection acts as a gauge into how my day will work out. We've all been there, right? Bad hair can ruin an entire day. From here on out, though, I am going to rely less on the mirror and more on the positive energy I have inside of me. And someday? That mirror might not be quite so ugly!
* Kashi Autumn Wheat Cereal, 1 cup
* Milk, nonfat, 1 cup
* Spicy Lentil Chili, 1 serving
* Wholly Guacamole 100 Calorie Snack Pack, 1 serving
* Dimpilmeier Hunter Style Rye Bread, 2 serving
* Broccoli Sprouts, 0.5 oz
* Dreamfields Low-Carb Spaghetti, 1 serving
* Spaghetti/Marinara Sauce (tomato sauce), 1 cup
* Aidell's Chicken & Turkey Sausage (1 Link), Roasted Red Pepper & Corn, 100 gram(s)
* Parmesan Cheese, shredded, 1 tbsp
* Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds (28 almonds), 0.33 serving
* Starbucks Grande Nonfat Pumpkin Spice Latte - No Whip Cream, 16 oz
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Moving About
Truthfully? I am not nearly as sore as I expected to be. I rather thought that I would be unable to get out of bed, let alone take care of mundane tasks such as feeding the dogs and getting the boy off to school. However, not only did I do both those things, I have also climbed up and down several flights of stairs already. Maybe a bit slower than normal, but climbing nonetheless. Victory!
I plan to be at the gym in one hour for the 2nd round of cardio of the week. I want to be home in plenty of time to work on the house, do some laundry and have my afternoon consultation with Maureen. Also, Chris comes home today (yay!) so I might need to make myself somewhat presentable. Not that he minds so much, but gee, I guess I want to at least have on clean, unsweaty clothes to greet my long lost husband in!
I haven't any fantastic, insightful things to say today. Mostly, I just feel I am doing what needs to be done and ignoring the things that might have derailed me in the past. Such as sore muscles, lack of preparation at meal times, messy houses, naughty dogs, etc. (Actually, there's only one naughty dog and that's the Irish Terrorist. Our Lab, Tyler, is too old to be naughty. He simply eats, sleeps and defecates.)
So here's yesterdays meals ... it was a good day. Here's to day 3!
* Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
* Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 1 tbsp 60
* Milk, nonfat, 0.5 cup
Panera Bread Vegetarian Black Bean Soup, 1.25 serving
Panera Bread Sierra Turkey Sandwich (1/2 sandwich size), 1 serving
Panera Bread Whole Grain Baguette Side Portion, 1 serving
Haddock (fish), 1 fillet
Triscuit Reduced Fat Cracker, 1 serving, 1 oz
Cheddar Cheese, 2 oz
Banana, fresh, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds (28 almonds), 0.5 serving
That's all folks. If something new and exciting happens, I will add on. Enjoy a healthy, fun-filled day!
I plan to be at the gym in one hour for the 2nd round of cardio of the week. I want to be home in plenty of time to work on the house, do some laundry and have my afternoon consultation with Maureen. Also, Chris comes home today (yay!) so I might need to make myself somewhat presentable. Not that he minds so much, but gee, I guess I want to at least have on clean, unsweaty clothes to greet my long lost husband in!
I haven't any fantastic, insightful things to say today. Mostly, I just feel I am doing what needs to be done and ignoring the things that might have derailed me in the past. Such as sore muscles, lack of preparation at meal times, messy houses, naughty dogs, etc. (Actually, there's only one naughty dog and that's the Irish Terrorist. Our Lab, Tyler, is too old to be naughty. He simply eats, sleeps and defecates.)
So here's yesterdays meals ... it was a good day. Here's to day 3!
* Old Wessex Lts. 5 Grain Cereal, 1 serving
* Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 1 tbsp 60
* Milk, nonfat, 0.5 cup
Panera Bread Vegetarian Black Bean Soup, 1.25 serving
Panera Bread Sierra Turkey Sandwich (1/2 sandwich size), 1 serving
Panera Bread Whole Grain Baguette Side Portion, 1 serving
Haddock (fish), 1 fillet
Triscuit Reduced Fat Cracker, 1 serving, 1 oz
Cheddar Cheese, 2 oz
Banana, fresh, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds (28 almonds), 0.5 serving
That's all folks. If something new and exciting happens, I will add on. Enjoy a healthy, fun-filled day!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I Hate Her, I Hate Her, I Hate Her!
Not really. Actually, I kind of loved her after our first consultation yesterday. I am excited, encouraged ... amped and ready to go.
HOWEVER, my legs? Hate her. My bumm? Hates her. My entire physical being? You get the picture. Mostly its my legs ... and that's just after an AM workout today. Can't imagine how I will be feeling tomorrow when it all really sets in. But this is good pain, right? This is the kind of pain that shows you hard work was accomplished. The kind of pain that you know will diminish in a couple of days (just in time for round 2!) and will leave you feeling stronger than before.
I'm not going to fill you in on exactly what I am doing, as that would be giving away the secrets. If you want in on the secrets, let me know and I will put you in contact with the Queen of Mysteries herself. But I will tell you that the current plan is cardio approx. 40 minutes per day, 6 days a week, and a full body workout 3 times a week, with at least one break day in between. And I will also tell you that right now it involves an insane amount of squats.
Squats! I have always prided myself on being something of a Squat Master. Catching in Softball has given me quads & hammies of steel beneath the quivering jello I call my thighs. I am an avid biker ... my favorite cardio is my spin class. All these things should make squats a happy place for me in this new realm of physical fitness, right? Well ... let's see ... NO! I did a total of 120 squats of various forms today. I was actually relieved to do lunges (ugh!) and push ups (double ugh!!) Add to that some serious biking on the stationary bike for 40 minutes at a level 7 and you can just color me done. If anyone needs me tomorrow, I will be seated on the sofa moaning in agony. At least until it is time to get on the elliptical for my next cardio appt. *sigh* It's good though. It really is. "Pain is weakness leaving the body" and I am going to bet that there will be a ton of weakness exiting my lower extremeties tomorrow.
I also had an appointment with my GP about my shoulder, who confirmed the rotator cuff injury and referred me to a Orthopaedic specialist. I have that fun visit on Monday. It's amazing how fast the body can deteriorate when you start getting old.
By the way, yesterday was a pretty outstanding food day. Today is also going quite well and I am really encouraged by this.
* Wheatabix, 2
* Milk, nonfat, 0.75 cup
* Regular Coffee, 2 cup (8 fl oz)
* Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
* Turkey & Roasted Pepper Pita, 0.25 serving
* Spicy Lentil Chili
* Chicken Breast
* Asparagus, 4 spear, small
* Near East Whole Grain Wheat Couscous Roasted Garlic & Olive Oil, 0.75 cup
* Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds 100 Calories Pack
* Banana, fresh, 1 medium
* Clementine, 2 serving
That's all for today. All comments are welcomed!
HOWEVER, my legs? Hate her. My bumm? Hates her. My entire physical being? You get the picture. Mostly its my legs ... and that's just after an AM workout today. Can't imagine how I will be feeling tomorrow when it all really sets in. But this is good pain, right? This is the kind of pain that shows you hard work was accomplished. The kind of pain that you know will diminish in a couple of days (just in time for round 2!) and will leave you feeling stronger than before.
I'm not going to fill you in on exactly what I am doing, as that would be giving away the secrets. If you want in on the secrets, let me know and I will put you in contact with the Queen of Mysteries herself. But I will tell you that the current plan is cardio approx. 40 minutes per day, 6 days a week, and a full body workout 3 times a week, with at least one break day in between. And I will also tell you that right now it involves an insane amount of squats.
Squats! I have always prided myself on being something of a Squat Master. Catching in Softball has given me quads & hammies of steel beneath the quivering jello I call my thighs. I am an avid biker ... my favorite cardio is my spin class. All these things should make squats a happy place for me in this new realm of physical fitness, right? Well ... let's see ... NO! I did a total of 120 squats of various forms today. I was actually relieved to do lunges (ugh!) and push ups (double ugh!!) Add to that some serious biking on the stationary bike for 40 minutes at a level 7 and you can just color me done. If anyone needs me tomorrow, I will be seated on the sofa moaning in agony. At least until it is time to get on the elliptical for my next cardio appt. *sigh* It's good though. It really is. "Pain is weakness leaving the body" and I am going to bet that there will be a ton of weakness exiting my lower extremeties tomorrow.
I also had an appointment with my GP about my shoulder, who confirmed the rotator cuff injury and referred me to a Orthopaedic specialist. I have that fun visit on Monday. It's amazing how fast the body can deteriorate when you start getting old.
By the way, yesterday was a pretty outstanding food day. Today is also going quite well and I am really encouraged by this.
* Wheatabix, 2
* Milk, nonfat, 0.75 cup
* Regular Coffee, 2 cup (8 fl oz)
* Blue Agave, Organic (Wholesome Sweeteners brand), 0.5 tbsp
* Turkey & Roasted Pepper Pita, 0.25 serving
* Spicy Lentil Chili
* Chicken Breast
* Asparagus, 4 spear, small
* Near East Whole Grain Wheat Couscous Roasted Garlic & Olive Oil, 0.75 cup
* Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds 100 Calories Pack
* Banana, fresh, 1 medium
* Clementine, 2 serving
That's all for today. All comments are welcomed!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Excuse = Justification for a Lower Standard
I have been given some grief by a dear friend for not writing the last couple of days. I have lots of great excuses ... but, ultimately, that is just what they are ... excuses. My definition of an excuse is based upon a quote I heard once: "An excuse is a justification for a lower standard." I try not to offer too many of them. Life is full of reasons things happen, road blocks on the way to success, but truly, there is no *excuse* for them.
But I do ask you this ... Who on this earth manages to pull a muscle in her hand? And HOW does one manage such a feat??? Doesn't that sound like it belongs on the same list as "The dog ate my homework"? (Coincidentally, our dog did indeed eat my sons homework once last year. It was actually quite comical.)
I digress ...
I have not been perfect, I have not managed to do MOST of the things that I set out to do this week in preparation. However, I have not been as awful as I have been other days in the past. That being said, I have felt ... well, less motivated than I was on Monday. This I do not want. Motivation is such a difficult thing to maintain, and when you start losing ground with it, it feels like quicksand. The more moves you try to make to get out of the rut, the farther under you fall.
Isn't it amazing how simple little things can disrupt your plans and send your spiraling back down the steps you just successfully climbed? Every day is a start over. Some days, it is just wearisome to put that foot on the first rung and re-start the ascent. Especially when the top of this particular ladder is miles and miles away.
Monday's are particularly busy in my household. Besides everyday mundane things such as laundry and cleaning, I also have guitar and chauffeuring Ian to piano and tutoring. When we manage to get home, it is his bed time, so there's all the rush of that. Now I will also be adding a session with my Maureen, my personal trainer, at 1pm. Our sessions are unique in that she is in Boston and mostly involve her planning my daily activity and nutrition, and my checking in with her frequently. Plus 2 telephone sessions every week. I realize that it is not a normal relationship with a P/T, but here's what is different about Maureen. She walks the walk. She is a fitness competitor professional. She is the sister of one of my best friends. And she has maintained this high standard of fitness for most of her life, while still fitting in family, friends and work. I trust her. And most of all, she walks the walk. If at some point we decide that I need a person in my immediate vicinity, I will take that route. However, as I am just starting back on this road, I prefer to work with someone that I trust.
Tomorrow I intend to head to the gym for cardio as soon as I put Ian on the bus. After guitar, I will come home and eat lunch, then try to fit in some weight training here at home prior to the 1pm session. Then, I think, while Ian is at tutoring, I will walk around the library (outside if at all possible) as many times as I can in the hour that I have. Generally, I spend the time quietly reading. If it is pouring, I may spend the time reading as usual, however, I will be finishing up my re-read of "The Eat Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno.
So, here's the rest of my food diary for the past week. Just because I promised to post it. Read it if you wish, but don't feel obligated. It certainly won't offer an amazing insights ...
Friday 10/2/09
* Cup of granola with ¾ cup skim milk
* 1 c. chicken noodle soup
* Turkey, with lettuce and light mayo on whole wheat
* ½ slice peach pie
* Grilled salmon with 2 tbsp. roasted red pepper sauce
* Steamed mixed veggies
* 1 cup brown rice
Saturday 10/3/09
* Banana
* Cup of coffee
* Handful of almonds
* 2 handfuls of movie popcorn
* Large diet coke
* 1 cup jasmine rice with 2 tbsp cilantro
* ½ cup black beans
* ¼ cup shredded rf cheddar cheese
* 3 tbsp salsa
* Pumpkin muffin (homemade, small)
Sunday 10/4/09
* Whole wheat wrap with turkey, lettuce, tomato, rf cream cheese (1 tbsp) and jalapeno peppers
* Coffee
* 6 Mexican turkey roll ups (with corn and black beans in tortilla (appetizer sized)
* 10 RF triscuits
* 2 thumb sized pieces of rf cheddar cheese
* Diet coke
* Plain, unsweetened iced tea
But I do ask you this ... Who on this earth manages to pull a muscle in her hand? And HOW does one manage such a feat??? Doesn't that sound like it belongs on the same list as "The dog ate my homework"? (Coincidentally, our dog did indeed eat my sons homework once last year. It was actually quite comical.)
I digress ...
I have not been perfect, I have not managed to do MOST of the things that I set out to do this week in preparation. However, I have not been as awful as I have been other days in the past. That being said, I have felt ... well, less motivated than I was on Monday. This I do not want. Motivation is such a difficult thing to maintain, and when you start losing ground with it, it feels like quicksand. The more moves you try to make to get out of the rut, the farther under you fall.
Isn't it amazing how simple little things can disrupt your plans and send your spiraling back down the steps you just successfully climbed? Every day is a start over. Some days, it is just wearisome to put that foot on the first rung and re-start the ascent. Especially when the top of this particular ladder is miles and miles away.
Monday's are particularly busy in my household. Besides everyday mundane things such as laundry and cleaning, I also have guitar and chauffeuring Ian to piano and tutoring. When we manage to get home, it is his bed time, so there's all the rush of that. Now I will also be adding a session with my Maureen, my personal trainer, at 1pm. Our sessions are unique in that she is in Boston and mostly involve her planning my daily activity and nutrition, and my checking in with her frequently. Plus 2 telephone sessions every week. I realize that it is not a normal relationship with a P/T, but here's what is different about Maureen. She walks the walk. She is a fitness competitor professional. She is the sister of one of my best friends. And she has maintained this high standard of fitness for most of her life, while still fitting in family, friends and work. I trust her. And most of all, she walks the walk. If at some point we decide that I need a person in my immediate vicinity, I will take that route. However, as I am just starting back on this road, I prefer to work with someone that I trust.
Tomorrow I intend to head to the gym for cardio as soon as I put Ian on the bus. After guitar, I will come home and eat lunch, then try to fit in some weight training here at home prior to the 1pm session. Then, I think, while Ian is at tutoring, I will walk around the library (outside if at all possible) as many times as I can in the hour that I have. Generally, I spend the time quietly reading. If it is pouring, I may spend the time reading as usual, however, I will be finishing up my re-read of "The Eat Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno.
So, here's the rest of my food diary for the past week. Just because I promised to post it. Read it if you wish, but don't feel obligated. It certainly won't offer an amazing insights ...
Friday 10/2/09
* Cup of granola with ¾ cup skim milk
* 1 c. chicken noodle soup
* Turkey, with lettuce and light mayo on whole wheat
* ½ slice peach pie
* Grilled salmon with 2 tbsp. roasted red pepper sauce
* Steamed mixed veggies
* 1 cup brown rice
Saturday 10/3/09
* Banana
* Cup of coffee
* Handful of almonds
* 2 handfuls of movie popcorn
* Large diet coke
* 1 cup jasmine rice with 2 tbsp cilantro
* ½ cup black beans
* ¼ cup shredded rf cheddar cheese
* 3 tbsp salsa
* Pumpkin muffin (homemade, small)
Sunday 10/4/09
* Whole wheat wrap with turkey, lettuce, tomato, rf cream cheese (1 tbsp) and jalapeno peppers
* Coffee
* 6 Mexican turkey roll ups (with corn and black beans in tortilla (appetizer sized)
* 10 RF triscuits
* 2 thumb sized pieces of rf cheddar cheese
* Diet coke
* Plain, unsweetened iced tea
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Agony, Irony and The Like
Days 8 & 9. Wondering where I have been? Well, I didn't fall off the face of the planet. I didn't fall off plan. I just have not had minute one to sit and write. It began with a semi typical Tuesday. I slammed all day to get things done, then Ian came home, we rushed through homework and dinner and then headed out the door to football. Afterwards, I was exhausted and went to bed soon after I put Ian down.
Wednesday rolls around with a bang. First, on the schedule are the heater guy (maintenance check up) and the driveway sealing guys (they never showed, but how was I to know?). Also, I had a chiro appointment and phys therapy (agony) session. Followed that up with a quick trip to the grocery. Came home and begin the final round of canning (carrots and tomato paste). Phone rings at about noon. "Ian has a fever of 100.6 and that means he has to come home, stay out of school until the fever is gone without meds for at least 24 hours." *Sigh* My son runs like I do ... something gets in his system and all fires are on GO! until it is out of the system. We burn hot fevers. 100.6? That's nothing. But, rules are rules. I bring him home and get him situated. Heater guy finally shows. Then Ian starts vomiting. Joy. Made chicken noodle soup in the hopes he would eat some. Not. Ran back to the store at 8pm for more meds and jello and such. Kids gotta eat. Got him in bed ... but he was up and down for the next several hours.
So you see ... I simply have not had time to write. Or workout. Or really even eat very much. I guess the last part is good.
He's home with me today, and it looks like tomorrow as well. And I am the single parent with the big *Quarantined* mark on the door. (Chris is gone til 10/7 for business.)
All these things make it a bit hard to keep on track. (Irony) When I ran to Wegman's last night, the thought of those nice brownies in the bakery aisle was very tempting. I'm stressed, I'm fairly hungry, I'm tired ... all shields are down. However,I managed to resist. But I know I did not eat enough, nor the best types of food, probably. And it certainly was not typical. I don't eat soup every single night, and for lunch as well, but that's what the food diary is showing thus far. See for yourself!
Tuesday 9/29/095 egg whites
¼ cup RF shredded cheddar cheese
Fiber One Yogurt
10 whole wheat crackers
2 pcs (thumb sized) RF Cheddar Cheese
Potato Soup, about 1-3/4 cups
1 slice garlic tuscan bread, no butter
½ cup salsa
1 svg. Corn chips
Wednesday 9/30/09Coffee
Skim milk pumpkin spice latte
Turkey chili
Homemade Chicken noodle soup
2 slices beer bread
Handful of natural almonds
Lots and LOTS of water
Off to the store (AGAIN) for a battery for the thermometer. Praying for a better day and much healing for that little boy.
Wednesday rolls around with a bang. First, on the schedule are the heater guy (maintenance check up) and the driveway sealing guys (they never showed, but how was I to know?). Also, I had a chiro appointment and phys therapy (agony) session. Followed that up with a quick trip to the grocery. Came home and begin the final round of canning (carrots and tomato paste). Phone rings at about noon. "Ian has a fever of 100.6 and that means he has to come home, stay out of school until the fever is gone without meds for at least 24 hours." *Sigh* My son runs like I do ... something gets in his system and all fires are on GO! until it is out of the system. We burn hot fevers. 100.6? That's nothing. But, rules are rules. I bring him home and get him situated. Heater guy finally shows. Then Ian starts vomiting. Joy. Made chicken noodle soup in the hopes he would eat some. Not. Ran back to the store at 8pm for more meds and jello and such. Kids gotta eat. Got him in bed ... but he was up and down for the next several hours.
So you see ... I simply have not had time to write. Or workout. Or really even eat very much. I guess the last part is good.
He's home with me today, and it looks like tomorrow as well. And I am the single parent with the big *Quarantined* mark on the door. (Chris is gone til 10/7 for business.)
All these things make it a bit hard to keep on track. (Irony) When I ran to Wegman's last night, the thought of those nice brownies in the bakery aisle was very tempting. I'm stressed, I'm fairly hungry, I'm tired ... all shields are down. However,I managed to resist. But I know I did not eat enough, nor the best types of food, probably. And it certainly was not typical. I don't eat soup every single night, and for lunch as well, but that's what the food diary is showing thus far. See for yourself!
Tuesday 9/29/095 egg whites
¼ cup RF shredded cheddar cheese
Fiber One Yogurt
10 whole wheat crackers
2 pcs (thumb sized) RF Cheddar Cheese
Potato Soup, about 1-3/4 cups
1 slice garlic tuscan bread, no butter
½ cup salsa
1 svg. Corn chips
Wednesday 9/30/09Coffee
Skim milk pumpkin spice latte
Turkey chili
Homemade Chicken noodle soup
2 slices beer bread
Handful of natural almonds
Lots and LOTS of water
Off to the store (AGAIN) for a battery for the thermometer. Praying for a better day and much healing for that little boy.
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