Yes, I know ... I should have written this last night. However, by the time my beloved Cowboys finished off the Panthers, it was late and I was tired. And, as you will see in a moment, anything I would have written earlier would have had to be amended anyway. So it is best to write about yesterday, today ... while my head is clear and rested.
I actually had a fantastic day, all in all. I ate very healthfully yesterday. All the way up and until the game started, and my stomach started rumbling. But even then, I was still good, in comparison to my past ways. Here's my food diary for the day:
Monday 9/28/09
Fiber One Vanilla Yogurt
Baked potato with 5 sprays of *spray butter and a couple tbsp of salsa
½ sierra turkey sandwich
1-cup lowfat chicken noodle soup
1 whole grain baguette
Plain, unsweetened iced tea
(All above from Panera Bread)
Late Night Munchies
1 serving potato chips
1 tbsp French onion dip
(yes, I measured both out!)
1 tbsp mint chips
Yep ... I caved late. And I know why. I did not eat NEARLY enough yesterday. I was still starved after my supper, and that was the most food I had eaten all day. That is a typical Monday evening menu, since Ian and I have to grab something quick between Piano and tutoring. On a NORMAL day, it fills me up and I am good for the night.
So lesson learned. Today I am already starting off better, although my stomach is a little unsure of it. I made an egg white omelette with 1/4 cup RF shredded cheddar. And coffee. Can't live without the coffee. Later, in a couple of hours, I will have the yogurt as a mid-morning snack.
Just for the record, and because I promised I would ... I weighed myself yesterday morning and the starting number is ... (UGH!) 215.1. Keep in mind (any boys reading, skip down several lines) that I am on my monthly period and that means some water retention. But STILL. UGH!! You would think that number alone would have kept me far from the chips and later the mints.
Today will be better. It already is.

Don't Get Between Me & My Goals
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Weekends ...
Are crazy!! Do you feel that way, as well? Like no matter what you do, you can not possibly cram one more thing into an already packed weekend?
I am writing one quick entry to account for both days of this weekend. Simply put, there isn't much to report. I have been processing carrots, making tomato paste, cheering for my son's football team in the "Big Tournament", attending church, washing clothes, cooking meals, and winning fantasy football games. *Fingers Crossed* Well, I WAS winning until I wrote that ... now I will probably be downed by all the football gods, who truly hate it when we deign to guess the outcome prior to the conclusion.
Tomorrow I start reporting all my foods in a diary for my PT (Personal Trainer). At the end of the week, I will forward them for her perusal. On Monday, the 5th, she will supply me with a planned workout schedule and I will adhere to it as law. This week, I plan to eat healthfully, but truthfully. Foods I like to eat, that are also healthy are going to be included. I am not going to eat a weeks worth of salads, trying to impress. That's not me. I like salad, but I prefer other stuff. This way she gets a better feel for the real me.
I will let you all know how it goes. But for now, the Colts are about to take on the Cardinals and the family room is calling out for my presence.
I am writing one quick entry to account for both days of this weekend. Simply put, there isn't much to report. I have been processing carrots, making tomato paste, cheering for my son's football team in the "Big Tournament", attending church, washing clothes, cooking meals, and winning fantasy football games. *Fingers Crossed* Well, I WAS winning until I wrote that ... now I will probably be downed by all the football gods, who truly hate it when we deign to guess the outcome prior to the conclusion.
Tomorrow I start reporting all my foods in a diary for my PT (Personal Trainer). At the end of the week, I will forward them for her perusal. On Monday, the 5th, she will supply me with a planned workout schedule and I will adhere to it as law. This week, I plan to eat healthfully, but truthfully. Foods I like to eat, that are also healthy are going to be included. I am not going to eat a weeks worth of salads, trying to impress. That's not me. I like salad, but I prefer other stuff. This way she gets a better feel for the real me.
I will let you all know how it goes. But for now, the Colts are about to take on the Cardinals and the family room is calling out for my presence.
Friday, September 25, 2009
I Hope You Like Carrots ...
I spent most of this day harvesting, and preparing for processing, the bounty of my harvest. I hope you like carrots, cuz we got lots and lots of 'em. I mean ... LOADS.
It's funny, I planted tomatoes (the lack of sun and and the excessive rain this summer decimated that crop), broccoli, cauliflower, green beans (all of which were eaten by ravenous bunnies in the wee hours of the morn) and beets & carrots. The beets did well, but I planted less of them as I am the only true devotee in the family. But my carrots? Planted lots of them and harvested probably 5x more than I expected. Funny ... the bunnies adored my beans but didn't touch my carrots. There goes that myth!
I also learned today that to get carrots to go to *seed* takes 2 years and a lot of luck, plus a fairly mild winter. Which made my decision about gathering carrot seeds to plant for the future an easy one. NOT. Going. To. Do. It. If the world goes to pot and we are left with the hunting and gathering of foods, carrots may well become a thing of the past. "Honey, remember when we could go out and pull one of those long orange things out of the garden and eat it?" Or else, the Gagliano's will be a rich household because I am pretty sure, after this harvest season, I will have canned carrots to spare for the next 50 years.
OK, slightly exaggerating. ;-)
I love that we have the ability to grow our own food. I love knowing exactly what was put into the soil that nurtured my tiny little seeds as they took sprout. I absolutely love the sense of adventure my son brings to harvest time and that he gets to experience healthful food at every stage as it is brought to his plate.
I have planted a "Victory Garden" long before it was *en vogue* and for me the victory is in knowing that, even if Wegman's went away, I can still provide healthy, home grown food for my family with little more than some dirt and a few seeds. Knowing that the sauce my family eats on spaghetti night in March will be made from tomatoes, onions and garlic grown in my own garden, and seasoned with basil and oregano from the pots decorating my patio, processed and canned by me. No fat, no funky preservatives, no words I can't pronounce. Just good clean food, as God intended it.
I realize this is not a *fitness* entry, per se. However, half the battle is the food that we choose to nourish our bodies with. I am excited that all winter long I will have food from my own garden to eat, with nothing extra in it to give it a Twinkies shelf life. Cleaning carrots today means that I will have something great for a long time to come.
I like that.
It's funny, I planted tomatoes (the lack of sun and and the excessive rain this summer decimated that crop), broccoli, cauliflower, green beans (all of which were eaten by ravenous bunnies in the wee hours of the morn) and beets & carrots. The beets did well, but I planted less of them as I am the only true devotee in the family. But my carrots? Planted lots of them and harvested probably 5x more than I expected. Funny ... the bunnies adored my beans but didn't touch my carrots. There goes that myth!
I also learned today that to get carrots to go to *seed* takes 2 years and a lot of luck, plus a fairly mild winter. Which made my decision about gathering carrot seeds to plant for the future an easy one. NOT. Going. To. Do. It. If the world goes to pot and we are left with the hunting and gathering of foods, carrots may well become a thing of the past. "Honey, remember when we could go out and pull one of those long orange things out of the garden and eat it?" Or else, the Gagliano's will be a rich household because I am pretty sure, after this harvest season, I will have canned carrots to spare for the next 50 years.
OK, slightly exaggerating. ;-)
I love that we have the ability to grow our own food. I love knowing exactly what was put into the soil that nurtured my tiny little seeds as they took sprout. I absolutely love the sense of adventure my son brings to harvest time and that he gets to experience healthful food at every stage as it is brought to his plate.
I have planted a "Victory Garden" long before it was *en vogue* and for me the victory is in knowing that, even if Wegman's went away, I can still provide healthy, home grown food for my family with little more than some dirt and a few seeds. Knowing that the sauce my family eats on spaghetti night in March will be made from tomatoes, onions and garlic grown in my own garden, and seasoned with basil and oregano from the pots decorating my patio, processed and canned by me. No fat, no funky preservatives, no words I can't pronounce. Just good clean food, as God intended it.
I realize this is not a *fitness* entry, per se. However, half the battle is the food that we choose to nourish our bodies with. I am excited that all winter long I will have food from my own garden to eat, with nothing extra in it to give it a Twinkies shelf life. Cleaning carrots today means that I will have something great for a long time to come.
I like that.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Avoidance ... or Separation?
So, yesterday when my husband, son and I were leaving the YMCA after Ian's swim lessons, we ran into a friend of mine who works there. He commented that he never sees us in there ... and well, he's right! Chris works out as soon as the Y opens and I have been ... M.I.A.! Then he commented that he was reading my blog and I am very excited about that as he is someone who can help keep me accountable.
But, see ... I have not yet told my husband that I am doing this and he looked a little confused, but never asked. It was late and we were running out to get Ian in bed on time, so it was forgotten. Or at least, it was forgotten (I think) by him. I lay awake last night wondering why it is that I have not shared this particular life decision with the love of my life.
Is it avoidance? In other words, am I trying to delay telling him because I am afraid I might fail? Chris has seen me through so many ups and downs with my fitness and he never been anything other than incredibly supportive. But, when someone has watched you stop and start so many times, it makes you feel a little ... well, lame ... to start again. Chris is one of the most physically fit people I have ever met. He began working out at age 14 and has not stopped in 38 years. His dedication is staggering. It's hard to be in that shadow all the time, no matter how supportive it is.
Or is it separation? By this I mean, am I separating my intent, my motivation from any attempt to please someone other than myself? I am not doing this to make Chris proud of me. I am not doing this because I care very much what anyone thinks of me. My decision to do this is based entirely upon my desire to feel good about myself and to be content within my own skin. I care what other people think, but my self worth is no longer wrapped up in it. Ultimately, I only need to please God and to be content with what He has given me.
This is a rather new place for me, as I am a life long people pleaser. I want everyone to like and accept me. It's only been in the last 5 years that I have learned how to say "No" and that was solely due to necessity. In my "old age", I have learnt to care a bit less about the opinions of others and to stand by my own convictions. I am much more free in voicing those opinions and convictions as well (ask anyone who knows me where I stand in politics and they can probably tell you!). However, when it comes to my appearance, there is a sad little girl inside of me that is still hoping that you will think I am pretty and that you will like me and want to be my friend. She's been cowering for a while now, hiding her face so as not to notice her reflection in the mirrors of people's eyes. I'm spending quite a bit of time coaxing her away from the corner, willing her to stand up tall and do the things she needs to do to be proud of herself, whether or not there are any cheerleaders along the way. Whether or not anyone else thinks she is pretty or friendship-worthy.
And I will tell my husband about my plans. I promise.
But, see ... I have not yet told my husband that I am doing this and he looked a little confused, but never asked. It was late and we were running out to get Ian in bed on time, so it was forgotten. Or at least, it was forgotten (I think) by him. I lay awake last night wondering why it is that I have not shared this particular life decision with the love of my life.
Is it avoidance? In other words, am I trying to delay telling him because I am afraid I might fail? Chris has seen me through so many ups and downs with my fitness and he never been anything other than incredibly supportive. But, when someone has watched you stop and start so many times, it makes you feel a little ... well, lame ... to start again. Chris is one of the most physically fit people I have ever met. He began working out at age 14 and has not stopped in 38 years. His dedication is staggering. It's hard to be in that shadow all the time, no matter how supportive it is.
Or is it separation? By this I mean, am I separating my intent, my motivation from any attempt to please someone other than myself? I am not doing this to make Chris proud of me. I am not doing this because I care very much what anyone thinks of me. My decision to do this is based entirely upon my desire to feel good about myself and to be content within my own skin. I care what other people think, but my self worth is no longer wrapped up in it. Ultimately, I only need to please God and to be content with what He has given me.
This is a rather new place for me, as I am a life long people pleaser. I want everyone to like and accept me. It's only been in the last 5 years that I have learned how to say "No" and that was solely due to necessity. In my "old age", I have learnt to care a bit less about the opinions of others and to stand by my own convictions. I am much more free in voicing those opinions and convictions as well (ask anyone who knows me where I stand in politics and they can probably tell you!). However, when it comes to my appearance, there is a sad little girl inside of me that is still hoping that you will think I am pretty and that you will like me and want to be my friend. She's been cowering for a while now, hiding her face so as not to notice her reflection in the mirrors of people's eyes. I'm spending quite a bit of time coaxing her away from the corner, willing her to stand up tall and do the things she needs to do to be proud of herself, whether or not there are any cheerleaders along the way. Whether or not anyone else thinks she is pretty or friendship-worthy.
And I will tell my husband about my plans. I promise.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A Calm Day 3
Before I begin anything else, I need to correct something I wrote yesterday. The Tosca Reno book is not entitled "Clean Eating". This is actually the title of the magazine she helps to publish and to which I am also fairly addicted to. (The recipes are outstanding and the tips can't be beat.) Her book is entitled "The Eat Clean Diet" and there is a whole series that go along with it now, from cookbooks designed especially for children and men, journals and even a workout manual. Just in case you wanted to go look for them, I wanted to be sure you had the right info. Any of the books, and/or the magazines are fantastic.
Now on to my Day 3. So far, it has been very calm and uneventful. As I said, I'm not really starting until October. However, its amazing how just having a "healthier conscience" plays into day to day decisions. I think about what I eat, when I eat it, stop and do a few crunches when I find some free time, even make sure that the dinner I prepare for my family is full of healthy ingredients. Tonight my son has swimming class, so I think I will grab some bike time at the gym while he is swimming. It will only be a half hour, but every second of extra physical activity counts.
In case you were wondering, tonight's supper is potato soup, cooked from scratch using healthy, organic and low fat ingredients. I am part of an Organic Farm Co-Op, which means I recieve a delivery chock full of great veggies every week. The past couple of weeks have included lots of potatoes. My Irish-ness demands that I am a big fan of them, but not quite as many of them as are currently in the house. So, best to use them up in a family friendly AND healthy meal.
Tomorrow will include a trip to the farmer's market and harvesting the beets and carrots from my own garden. I absolutely love harvest season!
"An excuse is simply a justification for a lower standard. Don't justify."
Ascend on!
Now on to my Day 3. So far, it has been very calm and uneventful. As I said, I'm not really starting until October. However, its amazing how just having a "healthier conscience" plays into day to day decisions. I think about what I eat, when I eat it, stop and do a few crunches when I find some free time, even make sure that the dinner I prepare for my family is full of healthy ingredients. Tonight my son has swimming class, so I think I will grab some bike time at the gym while he is swimming. It will only be a half hour, but every second of extra physical activity counts.
In case you were wondering, tonight's supper is potato soup, cooked from scratch using healthy, organic and low fat ingredients. I am part of an Organic Farm Co-Op, which means I recieve a delivery chock full of great veggies every week. The past couple of weeks have included lots of potatoes. My Irish-ness demands that I am a big fan of them, but not quite as many of them as are currently in the house. So, best to use them up in a family friendly AND healthy meal.
Tomorrow will include a trip to the farmer's market and harvesting the beets and carrots from my own garden. I absolutely love harvest season!
"An excuse is simply a justification for a lower standard. Don't justify."
Ascend on!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Preparation Mode
I am stunned and amazed by the number of people who wrote me to tell me they are behind my *quest* 100%. Surprisingly, a number of people also told me they want to join me at the gym, or start a journey of their own. Thanks to all of you, I have grown even more excited and motivated about this journey ... and more committed than ever to being transparent along the way.
Part of my pre-start homework is to clean the junk out of my pantry and fridge. Honestly, there's not a lot there. Eating healthfully has not really been a problem ... I am one of those freaks of nature who actually loves fish, veggies and exotic grains (whole wheat couscous, quinoua and lentils rank right up there next to chocolate cake). However, this does not mean my home is void of junk. In order to keep the *boys* happy, I will have to keep a stash of snackables. Everything else will be given away or tossed. Might as well do a thorough cleaning of the fridge and freezer while I'm at it.
Secondly, I am to re-read the book "Clean Eating" by Tosca Reno. For any unfamiliar with her, Tosca is an inspiration to women of all ages, but most especially to those over 40. Weighing in over 200 lbs at age 40, Tosca decided some changes were needed in her life and revamped her lifestyle entirely, changing her eating and fitness habits. Now she is not only a fitness model and competitor, but she has written several inspiring books teaching others to eat clean and work out right. She's a columnist for well-respected fitness magazines and is considered to be an expert in this field. I have been a fan of hers for many years. Now I will be adhering to the same principles she used to drastically improve her fitness. About a year ago I emailed Tosca to tell her what an inspiration she is to me. She wrote back with very encouraging words, but I simply didn't have the willpower to stick to it. the next time I write to her, I intend to send photos of the brand new me.
Finally, my pre-start homework includes keeping track of every morsel of food that passes my lips and every workout I manage to get in, starting Monday the 28th. We all know that I will be on my best behavior that week ... its just natural to want to impress the teacher the first week of school. THIS week I am trying to work in (without pigging out!) the things I know I will miss during the next 12 weeks of my program. In particular, apple cider and apple crisp. Fall would not be fall with out them, and I don't want to feel I missed out on the 2nd best part of the season. :) (The 1st best part is football, of course!)
There's a lot to do. I almost feel as if I have taken on another job ... but I guess that is how it should feel. My *job* is to become the healthiest me I can, to work out and eat properly, be prepared for any circumstance. To be focused and motivated every day.
"Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal."
Ascend on!
Part of my pre-start homework is to clean the junk out of my pantry and fridge. Honestly, there's not a lot there. Eating healthfully has not really been a problem ... I am one of those freaks of nature who actually loves fish, veggies and exotic grains (whole wheat couscous, quinoua and lentils rank right up there next to chocolate cake). However, this does not mean my home is void of junk. In order to keep the *boys* happy, I will have to keep a stash of snackables. Everything else will be given away or tossed. Might as well do a thorough cleaning of the fridge and freezer while I'm at it.
Secondly, I am to re-read the book "Clean Eating" by Tosca Reno. For any unfamiliar with her, Tosca is an inspiration to women of all ages, but most especially to those over 40. Weighing in over 200 lbs at age 40, Tosca decided some changes were needed in her life and revamped her lifestyle entirely, changing her eating and fitness habits. Now she is not only a fitness model and competitor, but she has written several inspiring books teaching others to eat clean and work out right. She's a columnist for well-respected fitness magazines and is considered to be an expert in this field. I have been a fan of hers for many years. Now I will be adhering to the same principles she used to drastically improve her fitness. About a year ago I emailed Tosca to tell her what an inspiration she is to me. She wrote back with very encouraging words, but I simply didn't have the willpower to stick to it. the next time I write to her, I intend to send photos of the brand new me.
Finally, my pre-start homework includes keeping track of every morsel of food that passes my lips and every workout I manage to get in, starting Monday the 28th. We all know that I will be on my best behavior that week ... its just natural to want to impress the teacher the first week of school. THIS week I am trying to work in (without pigging out!) the things I know I will miss during the next 12 weeks of my program. In particular, apple cider and apple crisp. Fall would not be fall with out them, and I don't want to feel I missed out on the 2nd best part of the season. :) (The 1st best part is football, of course!)
There's a lot to do. I almost feel as if I have taken on another job ... but I guess that is how it should feel. My *job* is to become the healthiest me I can, to work out and eat properly, be prepared for any circumstance. To be focused and motivated every day.
"Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal."
Ascend on!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Beginning the *Ascent*
I made a decision this past week that will ultimately change my life. And I am scared. Not in a *bad horror movie* kind of way, or even a *my life will end if I don't succeed* sort of way. But more in the essence that ... I hate to fail. And this particular *life change* has failure written all over it.
I have decided to hand my life and daily routine over to someone who will attempt to turn my body into a masterpiece of health and fitness. OK ... what I have actually done is turned my life and daily routine over to someone who is going to attempt to make a reasonably fit person come out of a cow. Bad thing, right? To call ones self a cow? It is, however, how I feel. If someone on the road whispered cow to their traveling companion whilst glancing in my direction, I would show them the meaning of *stampede*. However, I am quite comfortable with using the word on myself, by myself.
A bit over 5 years ago, my husband, son and I moved to Western New York from Sunny San Diego. When I arrived I brought with me a weight loss plateau I had been struggling mightily with in Southern California. For some reason, I could not break out of the 160's into the 150's. Granted ... my weight loss had been great. I had come down from 225 lbs ... the highest of my life. I did this with the help of Weight Watchers and the absence of my husband. (He was in Iraq valiantly serving his country with the USMC.) Not that he eats horribly. But when it is just you and a toddler, it is very easy to live on carrot sticks and the occasional turkey on whole wheat. At the time we received orders to WNY, I was running races, working out daily, eating very healthfully and even if I was plateaued ... I looked and, more importantly, FELT, great. Enter the WNY lifestyle. I do realize that there are people here who embrace a fit life. Its just that I have not met them personally. Even the Weight Watchers group I joined here seemed to focus a whole lot more on what kinds of junk food were permissible while staying in a low point range. It ws discouraging.
I am a person who eats up magazines like "Muscle & Fitness Hers" and "Oxygen". I want to look like those women, I want to BE those women. But when I fall off a path, I fall hard. And as I hate failure passionately, it is very difficult for me to regain the courage necessary to stand up and start over again. I restarted myself in fits and spurts, tried some fads in the hope that some quick weight loss would inspire me to get back to being "me". Then a foot injury followed by a shoulder injury ... followed by a couple of marriage issues and I basically sat down on the side of the road and surrounded myself with a variety of junk, food and habits, and noshed for the past year. For the record, I still have the shoulder injury (rotator cuff), and the foot injury can return if I don't wear the proper shoes (plantar's fascitis).
This past week I contacted someone who can help me get on the right path. Someone who will make me feel less than a flea should I choose to wallow back into my lazy ways. Someone who will undoubtedly become my best friend and my worst nightmare. I decided that, as it is going to take up a huge amount of my time, and as I am a writer who needs to be spending time every day doing a bit of that as well, I would combine the two. I intend to blog my progress beginning to end. The good, the bad and the very ugly. Within these pages I will share triumph and failure, tears and joyous laughter. And hopefully, when success is achieved at last, I will have inspiration for other women who think this journey too difficult to embark upon.
It is September 21st. I will begin the program on October 1st. I intend to blog about my own preparation. After I start, I will also share the pertinent info, such as my weight and measurements. And if anyone chooses to read along the way, I hope that they will offer encouragement. But you know what, I am a little competitive (a lot actually) and if someone offers jeers and criticism, I intend to take it as a challenge and work that much harder.
It's my turn and the only person who can get in my way is me. Ascend on!
I have decided to hand my life and daily routine over to someone who will attempt to turn my body into a masterpiece of health and fitness. OK ... what I have actually done is turned my life and daily routine over to someone who is going to attempt to make a reasonably fit person come out of a cow. Bad thing, right? To call ones self a cow? It is, however, how I feel. If someone on the road whispered cow to their traveling companion whilst glancing in my direction, I would show them the meaning of *stampede*. However, I am quite comfortable with using the word on myself, by myself.
A bit over 5 years ago, my husband, son and I moved to Western New York from Sunny San Diego. When I arrived I brought with me a weight loss plateau I had been struggling mightily with in Southern California. For some reason, I could not break out of the 160's into the 150's. Granted ... my weight loss had been great. I had come down from 225 lbs ... the highest of my life. I did this with the help of Weight Watchers and the absence of my husband. (He was in Iraq valiantly serving his country with the USMC.) Not that he eats horribly. But when it is just you and a toddler, it is very easy to live on carrot sticks and the occasional turkey on whole wheat. At the time we received orders to WNY, I was running races, working out daily, eating very healthfully and even if I was plateaued ... I looked and, more importantly, FELT, great. Enter the WNY lifestyle. I do realize that there are people here who embrace a fit life. Its just that I have not met them personally. Even the Weight Watchers group I joined here seemed to focus a whole lot more on what kinds of junk food were permissible while staying in a low point range. It ws discouraging.
I am a person who eats up magazines like "Muscle & Fitness Hers" and "Oxygen". I want to look like those women, I want to BE those women. But when I fall off a path, I fall hard. And as I hate failure passionately, it is very difficult for me to regain the courage necessary to stand up and start over again. I restarted myself in fits and spurts, tried some fads in the hope that some quick weight loss would inspire me to get back to being "me". Then a foot injury followed by a shoulder injury ... followed by a couple of marriage issues and I basically sat down on the side of the road and surrounded myself with a variety of junk, food and habits, and noshed for the past year. For the record, I still have the shoulder injury (rotator cuff), and the foot injury can return if I don't wear the proper shoes (plantar's fascitis).
This past week I contacted someone who can help me get on the right path. Someone who will make me feel less than a flea should I choose to wallow back into my lazy ways. Someone who will undoubtedly become my best friend and my worst nightmare. I decided that, as it is going to take up a huge amount of my time, and as I am a writer who needs to be spending time every day doing a bit of that as well, I would combine the two. I intend to blog my progress beginning to end. The good, the bad and the very ugly. Within these pages I will share triumph and failure, tears and joyous laughter. And hopefully, when success is achieved at last, I will have inspiration for other women who think this journey too difficult to embark upon.
It is September 21st. I will begin the program on October 1st. I intend to blog about my own preparation. After I start, I will also share the pertinent info, such as my weight and measurements. And if anyone chooses to read along the way, I hope that they will offer encouragement. But you know what, I am a little competitive (a lot actually) and if someone offers jeers and criticism, I intend to take it as a challenge and work that much harder.
It's my turn and the only person who can get in my way is me. Ascend on!
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