"How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow I'm committed to?" ~Tony Robbins~
I've had a hard time lately with sticking with my plans. Every morning I wake with the same renewed sense of empowerment. I go to bed each night guilty for what I did not accomplish, vowing that tomorrow will be a new day. Somewhere in the middle I am jacking things up tremendously.
The scale was really mean today. High, high, high. So this stepping on it once a week thing is not going to work for me. I am going to step on it every day for a while, first thing in the morn. And I am going to post it here. Maybe that will keep me accountable. Today's weigh in? 184.1.
I have come up with a plan for the day, and because it is a busy one, I can't spend a lot of time discussing it ... but I will write it down for all to see. I'll let you know at tomorrow's weigh in if I managed to accomplish it.
Coffee, first thing (am drinking it now)
Cardio (elliptical, level 8-10, 45 minutes), followed by skim milk based protein shake.
Legs/Abs workout, followed by 1 apple, sliced, with 2 Tbsp natural peanut butter
Finish processing and canning the vegetable broth. Clean my downstairs (kitchen, living room, family room, bathroom, FL room)
Lunch: Grilled chicken (4 oz) on 3 cups lettuce with 2 tbsp homemade vinegar & oil dressing
Vacuum whole house, water all plants, laundry, Ian's bathroom
Snack: 1 c. sliced carrots. 2 tbsp hummus
Finish cleaning upstairs, including master bath. Take Cloe for a walk, about a 1/2 hour at a good clip.
Dinner: grilled salmon (4 oz), 1 c. steamed broccoli
Relax and enjoy 1 glass of red wine with my husband.
Go to bed at a reasonable hour because I have to get up fairly early to fit in my workout tomorrow morning. Eat NOTHING past 7pm, drink lots of water.
I should probably write something worthwhile, too, but this is more important. I have no intention of going backwards any further, and I can not rely upon the successes of my past. If I fail to accomplish the mission, its a failure entirely, no matter how many small victories I achieved along the way.
“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.” ~Conrad Hilton~
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