
Don't Get Between Me & My Goals

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

Today I turn 41 years old. No longer do I get to say "I am 40" ... now I am "in my 40's". Early 40's, yes ... but 40's nonetheless. It's not old ... have you heard? 40's are the new 20's. Turning 40 was momentous for me. Not because I turned *gasp* 40! But rather because my husband fulfilled a life long dream of mine ... to visit Ireland. I spent the entire year edging up to that birthday in eager anticipation. I could NOT WAIT to turn 40 ... because it meant the Emerald Isle was close to follow.

41 is a little less momentous. My darling husband is travelling this week. Oh hey ... did I forget to mention? Chris and I share the same birthday. He is 8 years older than I am, but the date on the calendar is the same. It's kind of fun actually. I always have someone to celebrate with. Usually. This year he's off in Tampa and I am home. We did, however, celebrate a wonderful evening out with friends Saturday. Preemptive celebration works, too. My plans for today, the actual date of my birthday, include swimming laps at the "Y" and playing ... ahem ... WINNING a softball game tonight.

And eating right.

I should mention that I *gasp* ate 2 chocolate chip cookies last night. I missed my mid-afternoon snack due to a last minute phone call from hubby when Ian and I were trying to race out the door to karate. Not his fault ... I should have been more prepared. But I simply forgot to grab what I needed and remembered over halfway to our destination. Needless to say, by the time the class was over, I was FAMISHED. We stopped at the grocer's to get Ian something for supper. (I had leftover pasta, from a Clean Eating Magazine recipe, outstanding ... and I WILL share the recipe today. It's phenom!) The cookies were there, they sang a siren song that sounded something like "They say its your birthday, got choco chip cookies for you ... na nana nanana ..." Sing along with me, you know you recognize the tune ... So eat them I did (who can resist?) Today there will be no cake or ice cream or off plan foods to be had. I am sticking with the program. It is, after all, the best birthday gift I can give myself.

A far healthier 2nd half of life than the first was. Looking better, feeling better, BEING better than I ever have before. Happy Birthday to me!

I got some gifts yesterday. From Monica. Yes, yes, THAT Monica. 2 incredible t-shirts (One says "Chicken or Chocolate - you choose" and the other "Leg day. No hurt - no short skirt". Nice.) and a handful of photographs, personally autographed by her with things such as "Christina, Stay focused on your goals" and "Christina, Keep working hard!" There are 6 total, all personally autographed with a special message. Ok, so I paid for them. (It's ok to laugh at me right now!) But I bought the pictures to use as motivation, I honestly didn't expect them all to be autographed with my name on them. I am thrilled. I am also pretty sure Monica is down there in Texas thinking "OMG! Whoever this Christina chick is ... she's obsessed with me!!! Scary!" I'm not obsessed in a stalker chick way, Mo ... I just really want to physically look a lot more like you. I promise. I am a happily married, heterosexual woman. I swear. :-D (But yes, you do look hot in some of those pictures. It's ok to say that right? I mean, its just being an admiring fan ... ok pretty sure that's your security detail knocking on my door ...)

It was REALLY cool to get them all personally autographed, even if I did probably set off some security alarms in the heads of Monica and her people. Now when I check out her quad definition, I can also hear her voice encouraging me to "Stay fit and love life!" It's a good thing. Far better birthday gift to myself than those 2 chocolate chip cookies were.

So, as I close off this special birthday segment, I wanted to share a few quotes with you. For fun. Enjoy June 15th ... I know I will. Cheers!

In childhood, we yearn to be grown-ups. In old age, we yearn to be kids. It just seems that all would be wonderful if we didn't have to celebrate our birthdays in chronological order. ~Robert Brault

Middle age is the time when a man is always thinking that in a week or two he will feel as good as ever. ~Don Marquis

Middle age is having a choice between two temptations and choosing the one that'll get you home earlier. ~Dan Bennett

You're not 40, you're eighteen with 22 years experience. ~Author Unknown

A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip. ~Author Unknown

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