
Don't Get Between Me & My Goals

Friday, April 9, 2010

Catching Up

Really? I haven't posted since March 31st? There is no excuse ... just life. And beautiful weather for a week or so that had me outside as much as possible, and not gagged and bound behind the computer. I lost 5 lbs. I gained 5 lbs. I am pretty much right back where I started in the last blog. No good reason for it. Just this freakish pain in the rear of a body I have. I'm over it.

Actually, this morning I stepped on the scale and when I saw its result I thought "why am I working so dang hard". But tailgating right behind that thought was this one "you've been down this road before, the path doesn't go where you want, so turn around now before you get too far". Turning around is writing everything down, making sure I get every ounce of my 4 liters of water in, keeping active as much as possible. Lucky for me, its actually my day off from working out. However, there are numerous things that need to be done in the house, so I will keep busy.

Went to see my surgeon for the last time. He gave me the go ahead to start playing softball ... right on time as that very night we had our first practice. It was interesting. Nothing major, no big home runs, but I did hit the ball and catch some and the pain was limited and manageable. I can only get better. I leave for what I believe is my last physical therapy appointment in about an hour. I will get a list of things to keep working on, and things to avoid doing for a while yet. I am graduating from the status of "Shoulder Surgery Patient" to "Girl with Shoulder that gets Tired Easily". The latter is far more fixable.

My parents are coming next week, primarily to build my son's new play fort. Yay! He is really stoked ... and it is going to be extremely cool. Lots and lots and LOTS of cleaning to do before they get here, though. The Spring Cleaning I should have started last week, but the beautiful weather sent me outside instead. The good news is, I guess, it will keep me active all day long and I will not be sitting for very long, if ever. Lots of extra calories burned.

My first race of this season is April 25th, just a couple weeks away. I run 5k's consistently every time I run now, so that should be good. I would like to be faster, but I will just keep pushing and maybe by the June 3rd race, I can improve to something more like a 10 minute mile speed. Still not fast enough to win, but closer to where I want to be. I have the Mud Run 10k in October to train for, and that's a bigger deal. And it looks like maybe the USMC Marathon in October of 2011. Just want to do ONE marathon, so I can say I did. After that I will work towards Tri's.

For now though, I am just going to focus on today. Eating right, drinking enough water, staying active ... and watching that scale go back down. However, I will only weigh myself once or twice a week, instead of every day. That's a bad and destructive habit for me. Here come those 150's ...

There is more in us than we know. If we can be made to see it, perhaps, for the rest of our lives, we will be unwilling to settle for less.
- Kurt Hahn

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