
Don't Get Between Me & My Goals

Monday, January 4, 2010

What is it about snow that makes you just want to curl up into a little ball, huddled under masses of blankets and take a loooong winter's nap?

Upstate NY has been blanketed the last couple of days with several feet of the white, fluffy stuff. Of course, January's filled with snow are not uncommon, but it's only the 4th ... and on New Year's Eve most of our snow was gone and we were *enjoying* ugly, messy rain. It started snowing, slowly at first, the next day and has not quit since. In order to leave the house, you pretty much have to shovel or blow it out ... every single time. I just watched my son leave for school down the path we cleared at 8pm last night. The snow was up to his knees again ... and the same for the drive way. Yep ... I am going to have to don all my winter gear and push a snow blower for an hour or so in order to get to the gym today.

Which brings me to my original point. Why is it that all I want to do is nurse this cup of coffee, under nice blankets and take a nap instead?

It's beautiful, it really is. This is the snow that Christmas cards are made of. My office is situated in the *sun room* portion of our house, and I refer to it as "my own personal snow globe" during winter. I am blessed with windows on 3 sides and the big fluffy flakes all around me make me feel as if someone picked up my little globe of a world and shook it with all their might.

Now, though, I must somehow find within me the will to eat breakfast, then blow out that drive and get my bottom half to the gym. At least I am getting a bit of extra cardio in with the snow blowing, right? With this type of snow, I would actually prefer to shovel, but, as I found out yesterday, one-armed shoveling is really a waste of time.

But before I go (am I wasting more time?) here's a thought that just whispered through my mind ...

Rochester on New Year's Eve was a place dark, dank, and messy looking. It was muddy, dirty and certainly did not appear to be full of promise. The world looked spent and wasted. However, once embarking upon 2010, this incredible white, fluffy, NEW snow has fallen and the world looks sparkling and fresh. All the ugliness that was 2009 has been covered over by a fresh beauty and it feels like a completely different world. Dangerous, deadly and unknown, if you are not careful, but full of beautiful new chances and adventures if you are. Follow the paths that you know to be successful, but let the ones with the ability to trip you up become covered and hidden by the snow, lost to you and unable to be an obstacle any longer. Enjoy the newness of this year, this decade and make a decision to make it a beautiful one. Lay out paths that take you to places that change your life in the best ways and leave trails that others might also share your experience.

It's a brand new decade ... what are you going to do with it?

I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
- Thomas Jefferson

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